Revised opinion on the Arrival


New Metal Member
Jul 31, 2002
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As you may know, I recently wrote my opinion on The Arrival saying that it wasnt that great.

Well guess what? Now that I have had some time to listen to the album, I can safely say that I like it, quite a bit.

This is a great album and every Hypocrisy fan should own this album when it comes out. This is Hypocrisy at their best.

However, my number one complaint about the album still stands.

The album is too damn short.

I wanted more and more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 out of 10
Since, I wrote the original review, I have a right to change my opinion. If you dont like it. Dont read it.
I can completely agree with your opinion about this album :)

As soon as you listen to it more and more, it grows. It takes some time to get used to the "new" sound, but overall it's quite a nice record, imho one of the best i heard of this last year :)

If i should give it a number, it would be 8.5 out of 10.
How does it compare to Abducted? I have seen where Hypocrisy said it sounded like abducted. Now do they mean production wise or musical style wise?
Peter said the guitars sounded like Abducted - only HEAVIER and ANGRIER, which makes me quite happy! :headbang:

Glad to hear you like the album, merrick. That's how I've been with every album by Hypocrisy since The Final Chapter. At first it doesn't really stand out, then after a couple listenings I can't seem to get enough of it - like 5 times a day.

The new album is phenomenal. IMO it has the overall feel and tempo of Abducted and the self titled album-a lot of medium tempo songs. The vocals are some of the best Peter has done and it's definitely Lars' best drumming to date, which makes it sad to hear he's not with the band anymore. At any rate, this album is going to be incredible in a live setting.

Best songs of the album:
New World ***** Best fucking Hypocrisy song in a LONG TIME. Up there with Adjusting The Sun and Blinded.

War Within **** Another shredding song.

Born Dead, Buried Alive **** Awesome album opener, really sets the feel and atmosphere for the rest of the album.

Slave To The Parasites **** Bad ass bridge in the middle and more cool vocals
The Arrival is ten times better then Catch 22. I think ive listened to Catch 22 ten times since I got it, I just dont like it much, its a bit too "trendy" for my tastes I guess. The Arrival has it all and it does it well.

And yes, I downloaded it, but I will purchase it the day it comes out. There is nothing wrong with pre-listening to a cd in my opinion. I hate buying cd's I dont like, so I download them first. I will try to get the dvd version...but I hate it when they have 3 versions of one stinkin album. God that pisses me off!!! I cant find that Dimmu Borgir dvd version of Death Cult anywhere....I find it all rediculous. I liked the good old days where you bought the ONE version of the cd and you were done!!
ui, ein anderer aus deutschen landen!
@darth: i think your´e not forced to buy all versions! buy the one you like and thats it!
and little extras like a dvd with a complete live set are good ideas!
DarthVengeant said:
And yes, I downloaded it, but I will purchase it the day it comes out. There is nothing wrong with pre-listening to a cd in my opinion. I hate buying cd's I dont like, so I download them first.
I completely agree. No point in wasting money on something you might not like. That's the best way to get a feel for new material, and THEN buy the album if you like it. I'm 100% for giving the bands their money, but I have to know that they're putting out something worth paying for.

Also, I agree about the different versions of the same album. However, I'm also a collector and a perfectionist, so if there are 3 different versions, I have to have them all. Kind of an obsession-I always want to have the most complete collection of all my bands.:loco:
I listen the cd´s in the store, if I´m not sure I´ll like it.
But I do not want to start about this again. Just telling you what I do.

About the different versions.. it´s kinda like 50/50% ´cause I also have to get all the versions if possible, but it is (depending on what you buy) waste of money. In a way.
lumitalvi said:
About the different versions.. it´s kinda like 50/50% ´cause I also have to get all the versions if possible, but it is (depending on what you buy) waste of money. In a way.
I agree. There needs to be something that would make it worthwhile to pick up the different versions. For example, re-releasing Osculum Obscenum with Pleasures Of Molestation added in is more than enough reason to buy the album even though you already have it. Same thing if they throw in some bonus tracks or rare demos or something. As long as it's worthwhile, I don't mind, just don't get carried away. Case in point: Pearl Jam released some ridiculous amount of live cds-like 70 or something outrageous like that-with practically the same songs and set lists. I'm not a fan in the first place, but you gotta be fucking crazy to buy all that shit.o_O