Revisiting Into Eternity - Buried in Oblivion


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
The hype for this one seemed to come and go as fast as a 13 year old's first nocturnal emission. Anyone still listen to it? The first minute or so rocked my world but it sure has a lot of flaws I don't remember from before. Hmm. EDIT: Well maybe it still kicks ass, but isn't unruly like it was that first month. EDIDITIEID: Maybe it's just the harsh vocals that blow, guess this album is still teh winnar.

Think I need to retest the waters on the last Megadeth as well, since I've pretty much ignored it for 6 months.
One Inch Man said:
The hype for this one seemed to come and go as fast as a 13 year old's first nocturnal emission. Anyone still listen to it?
I do. Strangely, while I was in Mexico, I spun it up one day while in the gym, and didn't stop listening to it the whole time I was there. I think it's a sensational CD.

The issue I have with IE, is they strike me as a studio band. When I saw them at ProgPower, I thought the vocalist (who was new) was real good, but that the music was quite sloppy. A lot of their solos feature both guitarists playing identical, blazing fast solos at the same time. And unfortunately, this is real, real tough to pull off live. I partially wrote this off to them being the first band on at PP, and not getting a real good sound check. I also assumed it had to do with all the recent line-up changes. However, when I saw them on Monday, the music was just as sloppy souding, but now the vocals are just horrid. The new, new, new guy is just awful.

General Zod said:
However, when I saw them on Monday, the music was just as sloppy souding, but now the vocals are just horrid. The new, new, new guy is just awful.


I saw them on Tuesday and thought the music to be quite tight... though I agree that the vocals are horrid. Tim Roth, who usually does harmony clean vox, has laryngitis... so the bassist took over his parts... and failed miserably. And I really can't stand the new lead vocalist... who is a terrible singer and an irritating frontman.
Yeah, this album still wins. Granted, I haven't listened to it in a couple of months, but when I made my top 10 lists back in December, I went through the candidate albums pretty extensively and still felt that it was worthy of a top 10 spot (#8). Pretty easily at that.

(The albums in my #2 - #8 spots are interchangeable.)