Rhapsody - Symphony of AMERICAN lands?


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
Apparently Rhapsody are currently in New York City with Manowar. They are doing some promotional stuff for their new album because this Friday night on Q104.3's Friday Night Rocks with Eddie Trunk Joey Demaio will be live on the air with Rhapsody and they will be taking phone calls from the fans. Also last week Eddie played a song off their upcoming album Symphony Of Enchanted Lands Part 2 The Dark Secret. Eddie has been a big supporter of playing Iced Earth and has recently started playing Edguy and will be presenting their NYC date September 15 at BB Kings. If you ask me power metal is on the rise in America and this can only mean good.

Does a Rhapsody/Manowar tour sound too far fetched? I think not.
I don't know but maybe we can have an answer for you this weekend as www.thatssometal.com will be interviewing Rhapsody this week and should have the inteview posted on Friday. One of the questions will definately address the possibilities of them touring with Manowar. Also a Manowar interview will also be posted.
I heard about the Q104.3 interview as well. Joey Dimaio and Rhapsody, what a pair! I've been hearing rumors of a Manowar/Rhapsody tour for ages and I hope they're true! I'll bring my sword, fuzzy boots, and loin cloth..and I'll be there in the front row.

Hail and Kill!
The show last night was great and one of the best Friday Night Rock's ever. They played two Rhapsody songs off the new EP as well as talked with Alex from the band and Joey Demaio from Manowar for quite sometime. They even took some calls and many older fans who are into Iron Maiden and Ac/Dc expressed how much they enjoy Rhapsody's music and its so good that music like this is coming out. One caller even said on the air he recently discovered this brand of metal and over the last year Rhapsody, Blind Guardian and Gamma Ray have become his favorite bands. Its good that these band names are getting out there. Joey Demaio was telling Eddie and the listening audience all about Wacken and the European style festivals. Joey also said at Wacken he will be presenting Dio with a life time achievement award but its to be kept top secret.

Joey also said Manowar will heavily tour the states in 2005 after the new album comes out and Rhapsody will be with them. Definetly something to look foward to.

Eddie Trunk now plays Helloween, Iced Earth, Edguy and Rhapsody which is good. Hes played Hammerfall and Blind Guardian 1 time each in the past around the time when they played New York City but that was it. Hopefully he incorporates them back into the show and adds a few more bands like Gamma Ray, Running Wild, Grave Digger, and Stratovarius among the other great classic bands he plays.