Ribbon or Condenser?


Feb 24, 2014
Hi guys!
I play a lot of styles of music that need clean, break-up and crunch guitars. I tried to record crunchy guitars with my shure sm57 USA, but the sound was too sharp and acute. Clean guitars also sounded too bright. So I decided to buy a condenser (AT3035) or ribbon mic (MXL R144) and mix it together with my shure. Is this a good idea or I need to spend more time finding sweet spot and angle with my sm57. Need to say that I'm using mesa 4x12, for cleans and crunch as well as for the metal tracks.
Don't know the MXL R144, maybe it's decent but if you want to get a ribbon mic I'd recommand to save money and buy one Fathead by Cascade (around 200€)
The most amazing ribbon I've ever used on guitar is the Shure 313. I guess it's relatively new and no one ever talks about it but it's phenomenal. Condensers can certainly work on guitar but they're only going to be sharper and more accurate than the 57.
The most amazing ribbon I've ever used on guitar is the Shure 313. I guess it's relatively new and no one ever talks about it but it's phenomenal. Condensers can certainly work on guitar but they're only going to be sharper and more accurate than the 57.

Sure, it must be great but it's much more expensive than the OP would spend I guess :) I'd be curious to hear a A/B clip with the R121 tho.
Sure, it must be great but it's much more expensive than the OP would spend I guess :) I'd be curious to hear a A/B clip with the R121 tho.

You're certainly right about the price. I wasn't really considering that. I'm not sure if I have clips but I have a/b'd the 313 and the 121. Essentially, the 313 gives you the richness of a ribbon without the loss of detail and bite. A friend described it this way which has some truth: "The 313 sounds like when I get a 57 and 121 perfectly blended."
You're certainly right about the price. I wasn't really considering that. I'm not sure if I have clips but I have a/b'd the 313 and the 121. Essentially, the 313 gives you the richness of a ribbon without the loss of detail and bite. A friend described it this way which has some truth: "The 313 sounds like when get a 57 and 121 perfectly blended."

Sounds like a great option!
I would definitely go for a ribbon over a condenser here since you're looking for less sharpness.

But you might consider other dynamic mics, too. Something like a Beyer M201 or a Sennheiser e906 in its neutral position would probably do what you are looking for (round, smooth, less sharp).