Richard Andersson - The Ultimate Richard Andersson Collection

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Richard Andersson - The Ultimate Richard Andersson Collection
Metal Heaven - 2005
By Adam McAuley


Apparently a collection of some of the artist's older songs, relatively enchanting progressive metal is what's on display here. Fans of Symphony X and similar bands will definately be able to appreciate the album.

Plenty of ultra technical arpeggiated riffs are present. And as is often the case, the music verges closer to classical music than what we would ordinarily expect from the metal genre. The most convoluted riffs are usually present near the beginning of each song. There is some synth usage to further the classical progressive stylings and overall the band play the style fairly well. Solos are equally complex and somewhat discordant. The ultra-tight playing of the the band is far superior to what is offered by the vocalist in my opinion. He seems more to fit into the typical candy-coated power metal mode than what I would expect from prog and as such is somewhat annoying despite the fairly excellent music that surrounds him. Would he have been replaced with a more appropriate vocalist this would have been slightly more entertaining, but as it stands one can merely sit back and listen in wonder to the complexities the music offers instead.

Nothing unique really stands out, but the music is well performed and worth a couple listens for those that are fans of the style. I'm a moderate fan of the style being played, but I can imagine those who love it would enjoy it a lot more than I did. Overall, a good, but not great album, that is made slightly better by strong classical influences.


Official AOR Heaven Website
Official Andersson Music Website