Ridiculous injuries

In 1989 I drove my mate's Ford head-on into a tree, writing it off.

Silly me didn't go to hospital to get checked out after I couldn't get out of bed the next morning. So, wondering why my neck was still sore a week later, I decided to get it checked. Woe and behold when it was discovered that my neck vertabrae was cracked, and that if it had cracked another millimetre, it would have exposed my spinal cord, and I would have been a quadriplegic.

I wore a neck brace from then on for about six weeks. Scared the shit out of me.

I won't tell you about the other incident. :)
When I was about 9 years old, me and my mate were taking turns to skate down a really steep path through a park, the path winded through several trees.
After having a few goes each we started going from higher and higher up the hill, getting more and more speed.
I was sitting down on the board and I decided to go right form the top, so I was going really fast, I couldn’t make the corner so I slid straight into a tree, as I slid sideways toward the tree, the board went between my legs then whack :eek: !!!!! Straight into the tree, my lights went out. It was like getting hit in the nuts with a cricket bat. I was In agony for about 15 mins and I couldn’t walk for a week. My whole package was black and swollen to twice its normal size.
I have had loads of accidents, broken my arm and my leg badly, but nothing compares to the pain of that one.