Ridiculous injuries

Originally posted by phlogiston
I once almost got grazed by a particularly rough peice of cotton wool that I was swaddled in.

I have no ridiculous injury stories :(

:lol: Ahhh poor phloggy :)

Oh I forgot another one! I was riding my skateboard and sat down on it as it continued down the driveway really quickly, then I somehow got the finger next to your pinky caught between the wheel and the road, and thus it was ground down until I could stop the board. I took all the nail off and blood was pissing everywhere, it REALLY hurt, I mean REALLY hurt, not as bad as running into a telegraph pole at full speed, but a different kind of pain. I remember running inside and the first thing my dad did when he saw me was go "YOU ARENT RIDING THAT BLOODY THING AGAIN, THATS IT!" and then I remember washing my hand in the bathroom and lying down on the bed for about 2 hours groaning quietly to myself in pain.
Pretty funny in retrospect. If you arent me :D
I've got quite a few scars from injuries I have sustained, but they are all lame stories...

Lame story 1
I tried going up a curb on bike, didn't quite get it to happen and ended up going over the handle bars and literally landed face first on the concrete... I have a scar on the inside of my lip from this.

Lame story 2
I had a sharp bit on one of the pedals on my bike and one day I got off the bike and took a nice chunk out of my leg. It's a bitch riding home when your leg is pissing blood.

Lame story 3
I was playing basketball in primary school and some dude tripped me over and I went sliding along the concrete on my elbow. I have the meatiest scar still on my elbow from this.

Lame story 4
Again I was playing basketball and the ball awkwardly hit my little finger and broke it.

Lame story 5
I also broke my arm one time in gym class. Just landed on it funny and *crack*... off the to hospital again.

Lame story 6
Last year I was helping my dad lift this cabinet off the back of a trailer and it was way too heavy for just the two of us... we got about 3 metres with it when my dad couldn't hold his end any longer and dropped it. As he dropped it I couldn't hold it any longer. The corner of this cabinet hit my arm taking a nice chunk of my arm with it just on the underside of my wrist. The only cool thing about it is whenever people ask about the scar (cos it's pretty big) I say "oh that's where I tried to slash my wrists" and then I watch the look on their face... priceless!! haha... damn I'm cruel. :heh:
OK, then! Top this one!

When I was 15, me and a friend used to go pig hunting on a property just outside of Broken Hill. Naturally, we weren't allowed to be carrying all the weapons we had and my friend certainly wasn't supposed to be driving the open back truck he was driving but hey, like that's gonna stop us...! :)

On the way back to his place, there was a section of sealed road that for some reason he got paranoid about driving on this particular day so he stayed on the side of the road instead (to this day, I have no idea why this makes any difference to anything!)... We're cruising along at a decent speed (at least 50 kmh), and I'm in the back with all of the guns when suddenly I hear someone shout something, the world goes all weird and I hurt a lot! WHAT THE...?!

It turns out he didn't see a huge cement storm drain until it was too late and the truck dived 4 feet into it and stopped rather abruptly... Fine if you have a seatbelt on... Not fine if you're sitting in the back not paying attention! :err:

I found myself about 3 metres away from it laying on a rock, guns strewn everywhere and this kind of weird looking bent truck with some guy moulded into the steering wheel in front of me! D'OH!

Except for the huge gash on the back of my head that needed 5 stitches and the pretty wicked whiplash he got, we were actually OK! ...... until we told our parents! Man, didn't we get our asses kicked then!

HA! I was actually contemplating not telling my parents anything had happened except that there was all of this blood pouring out of my head! Kind of hard to hide, it seems! HAHA!

So there, that's just one of the nasty things that happened to me as a kid! Don't get me started talking about home made explosives! *shudder!*

One of these days, I'm gonna get together with Rick from Fury and write a book! The stuff we got up to when we were kids was just insane! :loco:
Originally posted by phlogiston

It's funny that I'm the one pitied because I haven't almost killed myself at one point or another....

Its a thrill you simply must experience :D
Ummm... I once chipped a tooth on the side of the bath :confused:.

That's about as good as I can do, unless you count tripping over a kerb and landing on my face because I didn't think to look where I was going. I was on my way out of a topless restaurant at the time, so my brain wasn't working :lol:

Can't say I've ever had a major ridiculous injury. I pulled a tendon playing touch footy once, and when I was a kid I was sliding down my slippery dip face down and my friend bounced a soccer ball off my head by accident. My face hit the slide and I chipped a tooth. But that's it. I'm boring. I've never even broken a bone. My work van got hit by a 5 ton truck once and all I got was three stitches.
Originally posted by Spiff
Just noticed something - is it just me, or does Coops look like the bass bloke from Alien Ant Farm? :)


Don't see it myself :confused:
Originally posted by Spiff
It's just you.

It would be nice of you if you didn't call attention to my skin condition, thankyouverymuch. :(

I was calling attention to it to promote better understanding and tolerance for all :)
I can't think of too much at the moment. A few weeks ago I smashed my finger on a computers heat sink and now my finger nail is going to fall off. Lucky it didn't take my finger with it me thinks.

when i was about 2 or 3 i ran at top speed into the side of the door frame splitting my head open...
..i think about 5 stitches..then like 4 days after i was jumping around on the lounges and slip my head open AGAIN in the SAME PLACE hehe

around a similar time (i think) i ran into a Box trailer and split just above my top lip...and i have a funky scar to prove it...(you know that little dip just after your nose and b4 your top lip ?...well thats were the scar is :) )

when i was about 10 i was cuttin some thin bamboo...with a siscors(in a saw like motion)...and instead of laying the stick on a table or whatever it was resting on my leg....suffice to say about 1/2 way through cuttin i stabbed my leg quite deep :)

My and my mate were running amok with slingshots...anways as we were walking past a brick wall i noticed one of them small white snails in between 2 bricks ...so i bet my mate he couldn't hit it...he said he could...so here we are standing like 1 1/2 metres from said wall....my mate load's a rock and pulls back for maxium velocity , the rock hits the wall and rebounds hitting my forehead with considerable force....heheh i wore my fringe down for the next few days to hide the massive 'egg' on my head from my parents :)

And just like LT don't get me started on home made explosive's...i'm still surprized i've got all 10 fingers !! after some of the shit we did