
The riffage is fantastic! And about the mix...I wish my "I'm not happy with the mix yet" mixes sounded this good! :) Details please. Guitars, bass, drums. The same revalver sound you've been using lately?

Sounds great!
Wow, thanks haha.. I've just been looking in to compressing the drums more :) Yeah I agree about the kick drum.. it wouldn't have worked at all if the song had more blastbeats :)

The bass (a pitchshifted clean guitar with a TS9) is two signals. One distorted and the other one is nothing but pure sub. I used the Warp plugin for the gritty one and a sub preset in the Ampeg SVX plugin fpr the second track. I've never tried using nothing but subs for the clean signal, but I think it seems to work out nice :Smokin:

The guitars are the same as always yes :)
The bass (a pitchshifted clean guitar with a TS9) is two signals. One distorted and the other one is nothing but pure sub. I used the Warp plugin for the gritty one and a sub preset in the Ampeg SVX plugin fpr the second track.

Are you kidding?? Geesh...I was thinking of going this route on my next song...now I HAVE to try this!! (easier for me to play the guitar instead of the bass) :worship:
Haha no, not kidding.. it's serious business :p
But remember to use the single coil pickup selection on your guitar when doing this.. You'll get more attack with that kind of tone when it comes to pitchshifting :)