Rift - The Ultimate MMORPG!


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
OK so who pre-purchased and whos starting tomorrow?

I figure we can put together a "Sneap" guild of sorts and all it "Moar SSL"

Get me info on what you plan to play, what server, and what side. Lets see if we can get this going before launch tomorrow!

For those of you going WTF?

Its probably the most advanced and FUN MMO I have ever played. Totally slays WoW in every way.

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I just started playing it a few weeks ago. Its the 1st one, not Dragon age II. I'm almost at the end and I've already played through the other lesser expansion ... Stone Prisoner, Return to Ostegar, Warden's Keep, etc .. so all thats left after I actually beat the game is to do the Awakenings full expansion, the Golems of whatever and then the final one, I think its called Witch Hunt. That's the last official expansion for part 1 according to the game's site. Anything other is going straight to DA II which I just got a demo invite for today.

I'm never gonna get ANYTHING done :p Been forcing myself to only play it for like an hour each day otherwise I'll lose myself in it.
Oh fuck.. I was hoping so much that RIFT would be shit.

so far I have played almost every single mmo out there (with wow still being the best mmorpg for me overall), so I thought I would be cool just chilling with DC Universe online for while.. but noo, my inner mmo beast is starting to persuade me into buying RIFT.

And to bad im in EU.. could have been fun playing with some people from here:)
I played the Rift Beta and i was moderately impressed; except i don't see how they are going to be able
to balance PVP with so many combination's of souls. But I could see how this game could be pretty
cool after some content/bug patches.

The only reason I ever played WOW for so long is for their awesome PVP which is pretty damned balanced!
I played the Rift Beta and i was moderately impressed; except i don't see how they are going to be able
to balance PVP with so many combination's of souls. But I could see how this game could be pretty
cool after some content/bug patches.

The only reason I ever played WOW for so long is for their awesome PVP which is pretty damned balanced!

Thats the entire point. PVP should NOT be balanced. A Mage getting sliced in half with a sword should be expected since he only wears cloth. All you PVP'ers who cry about balance need to get with the program and realize the world is not fair. Blizz ruined PVP in WoW cause of all the QQing PVP fags.

Grow up learn to play like a man and stop crying....lol
Ok cool. $15 a month?

Yup.... honestly you may want to wait as I am sure they are gonna do some free trials. I would never just outright buy a game if I have never played it.

I had MAJOR doubts about this game when it was announced. They make some pretty bold fucking claims, but they do live up to them. The simple fact that enemies can spawn anywhere at any time makes the game super fucking exciting.

The invasion system is world class, the graphics are fucking epic.

If you are bored with WoW, and hate how everything is ALWAYS the same all the time, you should really check out this game. Its always evolving and changing.
Thats the entire point. PVP should NOT be balanced. A Mage getting sliced in half with a sword should be expected since he only wears cloth. All you PVP'ers who cry about balance need to get with the program and realize the world is not fair. Blizz ruined PVP in WoW cause of all the QQing PVP fags.

Grow up learn to play like a man and stop crying....lol

This! I start tomorrow as I preordered. Will play on EU-Server tho.
"...Everything just worked."

I sure fucking hope so.

This looks totally fucking awesome but really... is all you are doing is running around killing these invasions? Some of those scenes have three invasions going on at once. That seems a little over the top. What if I just want to beat the monster?