Right guys, i need a favour!

i've started hate needledwarheart just more and more,is he something like fucking 10 years old?yeah,he probably figure out something "funny" about this post,fuck you NW
haha NW is cooler than you. I wrote him this song called the shit kicker. who cares if gays post shit, just go and read a book or something. stop moaning and go play your guitar.
LazyGuitar said:
Although I only signed up today, I've been reading here for a year or so, and I think theres no more or less amount of faggotry on this board as there is on others. Really you're going to get idiots on every single forum, best thing to do is just ignore them.
while that's generally true, there just happens to be a lot more of them here. although, the opeth board beats this board in terms of faggotry and fanboys/girls, but just barely though.

erishkigal said:
I completly agree with you Needled warheart. What this place really needs to be is a forum dedicated to discussing/praising Children of Bodom other wise there is no point.
thats what this board is for. the off-topic is for everything else.

Tut Ankh Amon said:
and THAT'S why i lurk around the OFF-TOPIC forum :loco:
as do i, my celibate brazilian buddy :loco:

@ gayvin

negative cristicism is ok as long as it's presented in a constructive manner
A lot of people don't seem to know the difference between on/off-topic, I have to agree. The moderator can do little bit more (moving threads) :)

:Spam: :Spam: :Spam:

And something else; the "calling everything I do not like GAY thing" is getting old.
This on-topic board is kinda getting slightly worn-out these days. Not sure there is so much to discuss until the next album is dropped or something. As for the bashing... Try the off-topic or the Seriously off-topic board. People whine and bitch over any/everything here now days as do I... But yeah it is old to read the "fuck you dude" posts. Perhaps make the On-topic board a non-cursing pro-chrisitan board with some informative bible study threads. It isn't very metal but no one should be offended and we can all be friends, non-gay as the bible is against that too! :lol:

*runs to que in the "I wish I had a better job" line!*

ps. The New Icons succle seriously old and unwashed testicular sackage! Looks like nOOb work! :heh: