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Active Member
Dec 10, 2005
Saint Louis

1. Before posting a new thread...
Are you pretty new to the forum? Are you thinking of making a thread? SEARCH BEFORE POSTING. Chances are someone has already brought up the same subject, and in that case it is often better to bump that thread than to start a new one (exceptions may be granted if the old thread is really old, but if you find 10 similar threads and still post a new one, it's going to get deleted or merged.)

Other things to consider before making a thread:

* Does my thread idea have the potential to generate interesting discussion?
* Is my thread likely to be of interest to people who frequent NM?
* Am I sure that Non Metal is the best forum to post my thread? Consider band forums, and read the rules below for special cases like trade lists, promotion etc.

2. Crapping up threads with off-topic discussion and flamewars...
...will not be tolerated. A good thread is NOT to be derailed with personal insults towards other users or insults towards bands, musicians etc. Discussion is good, pointless flamewars will get you nowhere but closer to the great big thread padlock. Off-topic discussion is generally fine, use common sense: it had just better not be pointless bickering. If a thread creator feels that his thread is being derailed by off-topic discussion and he doesn't like it, consider moving the off-topic discussion to some sort of more appropriate thread or PM. DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS! If someone is blatantly trolling, do not reply to those posts.

3. Discussion about instruments, playing techniques and musician's equipment
To be posted in Musicians Discussion, no exceptions. This includes questions like "omg what pickups does alexi use lol tia" and "what is the data rate in bits per second of European EBU SMPTE time code at a 25 fps frame rate?" People in Non Metal are not as likely to be able to help with stuff like this as the very knowledgeable people that hang around MD anyway.

4. Promotion of bands, zines, etc.
Promotion of new/unsigned bands: New Band Showcase
Generic self promotion of anything: Self Promotion

5. Trade/sale
Trade lists, eBay auctions, sale lists, requests to buy albums, etc, to be posted in Trade forum exclusively. Threads in Non Metal of this nature will be deleted.

6. Now Playing
Now Playing thread. Nowhere else!

7. Game threads
Endless post games go in Thread Games, which is a subforum of the Chat forum.

These guidelines and rules are intended to make this forum a better and more productive place for everyone. Please respect them. We don't intend to be impossible to deal with as mods, and these rules are not entirely set in stone. (This does not mean that you can ignore them and use that as an excuse.) If you feel that any moderation decision or rule we've made is unfair, feel free to take it to PM. Random flaming of moderation in threads that have nothing to do with it will not be tolerated. Also, feel free to PM any questions/concerns you may have to either me or Satanstoenail (i.e trolls we've missed, why your thread was closed, etc.)
I'd like to reinforce this rule in particular:

2. Crapping up threads with off-topic discussion and flamewars...
...will not be tolerated. A good thread is NOT to be derailed with personal insults towards other users or insults towards bands, musicians etc. Discussion is good, pointless flamewars will get you nowhere but closer to the great big thread padlock. Off-topic discussion is generally fine, use common sense: it had just better not be pointless bickering. If a thread creator feels that his thread is being derailed by off-topic discussion and he doesn't like it, consider moving the off-topic discussion to some sort of more appropriate thread or PM. DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS! If someone is blatantly trolling, do not reply to those posts.
UPDATE 12/8/2008:

There seems to be an influx of worthless threads in here lately. While we need more circulation, making mindless crap isn't what we need. If you are going to make a thread, think about whether or not your thread merits discussion.

Other things to consider before making a thread:
* Does my thread idea have the potential to generate interesting discussion?
* Is my thread likely to be of interest to people who frequent NM?
* Am I sure that Non Metal is the best forum to post my thread? Consider band forums, and read the rules below for special cases like trade lists, promotion etc.

If you have any questions, send a PM to either me or Satanstoenail and we will try to give you a speedy response.
Alright guys. Lately there has been a lot of trolling/flaming/bullshit, so I'd like everyone to either report trolling posts or PM me about problem posters. The situation will be handled.

Try and keep it as mature as possible guys.

. Crapping up threads with off-topic discussion and flamewars...
...will not be tolerated. A good thread is NOT to be derailed with personal insults towards other users or insults towards bands, musicians etc. Discussion is good, pointless flamewars will get you nowhere but closer to the great big thread padlock. Off-topic discussion is generally fine, use common sense: it had just better not be pointless bickering. If a thread creator feels that his thread is being derailed by off-topic discussion and he doesn't like it, consider moving the off-topic discussion to some sort of more appropriate thread or PM. DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS! If someone is blatantly trolling, do not reply to those posts.
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