[Playtest] Guidelines for Playest Posting

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland

Just thought I should come up with some guidelines for talking about the playtest here in order to cut down on redundant messages and general disorganization.

1. Registering on UM: The guy that runs this place is a friend of mine, he also designed my website and provides my webhosting. I can tell you that you won't be getting any weird spam as a result of registering, you won't see your name appear on odd mailing lists by registering here. You also have options on whether others are able to email you or not. Registering a screen name here with confidence! It's free, pretty painless, and it's the only way you can post.

2. Posting format: When making a new post about the game, please label it [Playtest] like I've done in the title of this thread, and then the topic of the particular thread. Keep each new thread to one topic if possible, creating a new thread for each issue you want to bring up. I'm hoping this will keep each critique more focused. Also, practice a bit with the quote feature as it makes replies much easier to follow.

3. Make sure you check that nobody has started a thread about what you're wanting to talk about before you start a new thread. Redundant threads *will* be combined so you might as well make your point in the existing thread. I'm definitely going to be reading everything and responding where appropriate.

4. Be civil! Most of the playtesters were random people who emailed me and said "Hey, I want to participate!" I have no idea what everybody's philosophy on role-playing might be and we're likely going to be a big jumble of different viewpoints. That's fine. That's *good*. But be nice to each other.

5. Do participate! I really, really, really, really want to know not only what you like and don't like about the game as it is, but *why*. Remember that any actual play that's been done so far has been done by the designer GMing the thing with friends of his. Not exactly the best way to examine the system from a variety of angles. Please, share your thoughts early and often. :P

6. The game is based around the Test concept. I'd like some discussion on the concept of the opposed tests, but it is not something that will be removed. The Test is the basis for every rule in the game.

7. Proofreading issues such as grammar and spelling is not what we're focusing on now. Since I'm anticipating rewriting parts of the book after getting all the feedback, it wouldn't make sense to concentrate on this now. Rules that have been worded poorly to the point of making the rule confusing is certainly fair game to be brought up.

I'm available on IM most every day as well, so feel free to contact me directly if there are any issues you don't want to place in the forum for whatever reason.