Ringing in ears!?!


Bass Behemoth
Jun 13, 2004
Manchester, UK
So, since last weekend (when I did 2 full days guitar tracking) I have had a quiet 'post-gig' ringing in my ears. It was going away slowly and then yesterday I had another 14hr session (all at reasonably low volumes I might add). My question is, is this normal? I'm off to see a doctor anyway (as I hope it might just be caused by wax/fatigue) but I am really worried it might be the start of Tinnitus. Am I over-reacting or is this really the end of my career before it's even begun? Despite having it on Tuesday I had an Audiogram that showed I could hear most frequencies at volumes well below the normal person but as you can gather I'm still freaking out over it.

Razorjack said:
So, since last weekend (when I did 2 full days guitar tracking) I have had a quiet 'post-gig' ringing in my ears. It was going away slowly and then yesterday I had another 14hr session (all at reasonably low volumes I might add). My question is, is this normal? I'm off to see a doctor anyway (as I hope it might just be caused by wax/fatigue) but I am really worried it might be the start of Tinnitus. Am I over-reacting or is this really the end of my career before it's even begun? Despite having it on Tuesday I had an Audiogram that showed I could hear most frequencies at volumes well below the normal person but as you can gather I'm still freaking out over it.


I've got a bit of the Tinnitus myself; it sucks to be in a completely quiet environment and hear a sustained PING, but in most other circumstances it isn't noticable, and my frequency perception is still top-notch according to my last physical. Still, though, it's not something I'm that happy living with.
I'd suggest it's time to take better precautions against prolonged exposure to high SPLs; earplugs are of course a must, and I'd suggest wearing them at all rehearsals and shows, even the ones that aren't "too loud".
The thing is, regular earplugs suck, be they foam, cotton, rubber, wax... they just become frustrating and uncomfortable. I got fitted for a custom pair about two years ago, and it cost quite a bit, but has been totally worth it. They're extremely comfortable, and the material and design is of such high quality that they really just act as volume control rather than "mufflers". Regular drug-store variety plugs by comparison sound like pillows strapped to either side of my head. I'd suggest exploring this option, as goofy as it may be to stuff things in your ears all the time; you'll be glad you did in a few years.
A Gruesome Discovery said:
I've got a bit of the Tinnitus myself; it sucks to be in a completely quiet environment and hear a sustained PING, but in most other circumstances it isn't noticable, and my frequency perception is still top-notch according to my last physical. Still, though, it's not something I'm that happy living with.
I'd suggest it's time to take better precautions against prolonged exposure to high SPLs; earplugs are of course a must, and I'd suggest wearing them at all rehearsals and shows, even the ones that aren't "too loud".
The thing is, regular earplugs suck, be they foam, cotton, rubber, wax... they just become frustrating and uncomfortable. I got fitted for a custom pair about two years ago, and it cost quite a bit, but has been totally worth it. They're extremely comfortable, and the material and design is of such high quality that they really just act as volume control rather than "mufflers". Regular drug-store variety plugs by comparison sound like pillows strapped to either side of my head. I'd suggest exploring this option, as goofy as it may be to stuff things in your ears all the time; you'll be glad you did in a few years.

Thanks for the reply, one thing I've just realised is that it's mostly (if not completely, I can't really tell) in only one ear and almost goes away when I move my head so hopefully it isn't tinnitus 'cos it really does suck when Im trying to get to sleep!

I've just got a pair of rather nice off-the-shelf ear-plugs to last me until I get fitted for some custom plugs. They sounds great when I tested them yesterday but the real test will be on Sunday at the Nevermore gig in London.
So, it looks like I'm not sleeping tonight. The ringing is too much for me and is driving me crazy. I just hope it goes away over the next few days, I'm going to the doctors first thing in the morning to book an appointment to try and get a referal to a specialist.

If there are any of you who experience this over a few days but then it goes away, please let me know as I'm really tearing my hair out here.
Razorjack said:
So, it looks like I'm not sleeping tonight. The ringing is too much for me and is driving me crazy. I just hope it goes away over the next few days, I'm going to the doctors first thing in the morning to book an appointment to try and get a referal to a specialist.

If there are any of you who experience this over a few days but then it goes away, please let me know as I'm really tearing my hair out here.

I think the doctors will get you some oxygen. I've heard that it's one possibillity. You could take some headache tablet to make your blood thinner. http://dict.leo.org/se?lp=ende&p=/Mn4k.&search=tablet
I just remembered one thing. When it occurs I move my jaw-bone and mostly it dissappears. Hard to describe... just open your mouth and move your lower jaw-bone to the sites. Sounds strange, but as it is connected with the auditory canal somehow... for me it works when the ringing is short.

I guess your recording sessions have been too long. Hope it gets better soon.
I doubt it will be anything prolonged. I used to rehearse constantly with the band at crazy volumes, and this was for a good few years, no ear plugs and my ears would be whistling like a roger whitaker greatest hits album. I had a hearing test the other week and it was fine, nothing wrong for my age. So I wouldn't panic.
Put calm music (new age ?) or TV when you try to sleep, so that you're not in a silent environment and don't focus on this ringing and thus make it worse (in your head). I had this problem when I came back from the dentist and had a descaling (not sure about the translation), with this very high-pitched ultrasonic machine : my right ear was ringing like never for several days (the dentist didn't believe me when I told him I heard the noise and it was aching my ears), really freaking me out ! Of course it came away, but anyway, even wearing plugs at every gig and rehearsal I go to, I happen to have some... You just have to live with it, and not focus on it, you eventually end up forgetting it.
Andy, thanks for the reply, knowing that it's not neccesarily a long term problem is very re-assuring.

Brett, thanks for the advice about music, it can be my excuse as to why I listen to Faithless and Massive Attack!! (Whoops, let something slip there didn't I!!) :loco:

I'm off to the doctors in a few minutes for an appointment to see if there are any immediately apparent causes (an ear infection is possible since I've just been informed I've shared headphones with someone with one, if it is that I'm going to kill them for not telling me!!).
Frank'nfurter said:
Hey Razor, this is definitely a starting tinnitus problem. Don't mess around and go imediately to a hearing doctor for a cortisone/oxygen therapy, the only thing that really helps within the next 24 hours.

According to the doctor I just saw it's related to a sinus problem I have and he says I really shouldn't be worried. I was so worried about my hearing I hadn't realised that I'm very bunged up and generally run-down. If it doesn't go away in the next couple of weeks I'm having another audiogram and seeing an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist.

Also it seems that the root cause of my sleepless night was actually the wireless router in my bedroom!! The ringing in my ears just happens to be in the same range and the two together really get on my nerves!!
Razorjack said:
Andy, thanks for the reply, knowing that it's not neccesarily a long term problem is very re-assuring.

Brett, thanks for the advice about music, it can be my excuse as to why I listen to Faithless and Massive Attack!! (Whoops, let something slip there didn't I!!) :loco:

I'm off to the doctors in a few minutes for an appointment to see if there are any immediately apparent causes (an ear infection is possible since I've just been informed I've shared headphones with someone with one, if it is that I'm going to kill them for not telling me!!).

whats wrong with massive attack? :wave:
When I first started working at the studio i'm at now, my ears started ringing(only noticeable in very quiet places) also. I was a bit worried about what was going on and I got my ears checked and my hearing was fine. It's been about 6 months or so since i have gotten them checked out and they ringing has slowly gone away. I've known a few other people who have gone through the same thing.

hope it works out.
Grave Desire said:
When I first started working at the studio i'm at now, my ears started ringing(only noticeable in very quiet places) also. I was a bit worried about what was going on and I got my ears checked and my hearing was fine. It's been about 6 months or so since i have gotten them checked out and they ringing has slowly gone away. I've known a few other people who have gone through the same thing.

hope it works out.

So, another night of this incessant buzzing and I'm going to try and sleep whilst listening to music. Let's hope it helps.
Hey man, I also tripped out on Tinitus once. I had a spontaneous deafening in one ear that lasted to some degree overnight. Was weird. Never happened again though. So I went to the doctor and they tested me. I was fine, great hearing. He said my ears were not plugged either. So I did some reading. And here what I found out.

People often have hearing anomalies that come and go from time to time. And Tinitus is natural. Those of us that damage out hearing more, have a bit more tinitus. But also stress plays a major factor. Did you know that? When you are stressed, the ringing can be louder. And one other thing thats a huge thing. Its the fact that after you become aware of your tinitus for some reason, then you focus on it. After that incident and doctor visit, I was so focused on it. I was worried and wondering why the ringing was louder now that I ever remembered. All night long it was so loud. Well after about a week, I got busy with work or whatever, and I forgot about it. Then I realized that I had gone a night or two without thinking about it and it proved to me its all in my head. I was just trippin. I was hyperfocusing on it and making it more obvious. Now its back to normal.

Just watch, it'll be the same for you.

Russell: That'd be great, I've only got metal on the new iBook.

I had my first full nights sleep last night in nearly a week, woke up a few times but thats normal for me when my girls not here with me. The ringing os still there but is nowhere near as loud as it was. I'm just going to carry on keeping on top of my sinus problems and see where that takes me.