ears ringing

shit, i think i'm going to start turning down the volume. the constant ring i have insant overwhelming. in fact, right now i have to make a conscious effort to hear it. last night when it was very strong was when there was complete silence and i had just finished blasting some music. as far as earplugs go, i think they are great for a gig. its nice to have loud music, but they improve the clarity...and they are even better for jam sessions at home with a drummer. a drummer's cymbals usually drown everyone out when playing at home. earplugs take care of that.
I hear that listening to headphones for anymore than an hour is bad for you. And then so you can only keep the volume at talking noise levels. After an hour, you should wait about 5 or 6 hours before listening again.

And yes, listening to the same frequency at a high noise level will cause you to damage that frequency in your ears. So if you listen to a loud E, you will lose your ability to hear the E, of course this is an exxageration, your not goint to lose all of your hearing of it, but you will develop tinnitus.

I dont have ringing in my ears, so I must be doing something right. Just remember to wear earplugs at live shows, and to turn the volume down on the headphones.
It also has alot to do with the how the sounds EQ'd. Strong bass frequencies (below 180hz) are not all that damaging. But the mids and highs are killers. Thats why guitar players tend to get the worst end of the deal. As for head phones, I use moderately lound muff phones when I'm recording, but if you pay attention after about 15 mins of playing, and you hear no ringing. You shoud be pretty safe.
My ears have been pretty bad for awhile, especially my right ear. Mine is from seeing Pantera live 6 times and the first 4 times I never wore earplugs and Dimebag's high squealing litterly damaged my hearing. We would always have seats in this one spot on Dimes side, so my right ear took all the abuse Thanks for making your mark on me Dime!

I always have to wear ear plugs at shows or my ears will ring for 5 days straight, no joke. I'm seeing Opeth tonight and the earplugs are right by my ticket. Bogarts has a kick ass in house sound system too!!!
Moonlapse said:
In an ideal world one wouldn't have to wear ear plugs to a gig.. I sure as hell hate wearing them, but in order to protect my future livelihood I have to.

Yeah I don't mind so much wearing them to other people's gigs, but when I'm playing the thing I hate is not quite having that clarity and sometimes being unable to hear my guitar - or the other guys guitar haha and as a result I probably turn myself up slightly louder so I can hear myself!

I've heard about some of those really expensive plugs that mix everything down at CD quality and clarity :D - that would be awesome! or having in-ear monitors would be a big help.
My tinnitus is pitched around an extremely high 'D' - like two octaves above the highest note on the piano...

I've had it for about four years. Both ears... coupled with a loss of hearing.
rrjii2000 said:
It also has alot to do with the how the sounds EQ'd. Strong bass frequencies (below 180hz) are not all that damaging. But the mids and highs are killers. Thats why guitar players tend to get the worst end of the deal. As for head phones, I use moderately lound muff phones when I'm recording, but if you pay attention after about 15 mins of playing, and you hear no ringing. You shoud be pretty safe.

I always have the bass up on my cd player or computer or car stereo :)
The headphones you must insert into your ears are bad news. 100% of the noise frequency is being channeled directly into the ear drum where as even with old school headphones some of the frequency is being dispersed. I must say though I use the insert headphones. I just just try not ot go overboard with the sound.
That is one bad thing about metal music it is very loud live, and can destroy your hearing. Slayer concerts have destroyed my hearing. The last Slayer concert I went to, I was right by Kerry Kings speakers and my ears rang for a week. I couldnt sleep for a couple of days because of the insane ringing, and I almost went mentally insane.
Alteredmindeath said:
That is one bad thing about metal music it is very loud live, and can destroy your hearing. Slayer concerts have destroyed my hearing. The last Slayer concert I went to, I was right by Kerry Kings speakers and my ears rang for a week. I couldnt sleep for a couple of days because of the insane ringing, and I almost went mentally insane.
damn that must have been hell
im just hoping i dont have constant tinitus until i am like 60-70 or so.
I've stopped using headphones, and have turned down the volume on the speakers. I'll be wearing earplugs at the opeth show on thursday