Rip Barry White

dude, when you get a girl/woman whichever back to your place, light some candles, cut the lights and play some barry white. easiest trick in the book. i thought everybody knew that:confused:
Stygian:The reason for this thread was pretty obvious so if you didnt care you could have ignored this thread. Of course a reply like that would cause some people to react, blame yourself for the responses you get. :Smug:

OH well, RIP barry white
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hey dude, do you remember when Somnium died? He was also a musician... Okay, okay, we know him better, but why didn't you say that: I don't care about him???
Stygian Apothegm_ said:
some of you people are as bad as the opeth forum. im beggining to think that people in general are just idiots. there's only a few people i can get along with. and those people share my personality. they arent stuck up whiney assholes that think their opinions are facts. and they dont get offended by trivial things.

now stop acting like you are better than me.

no, i dont think im better than you. i think that you think that your opinion is the only opinion that matters in that world of yours and that no one else's opinion could ever possibly be right.