RIP: Hunter S. Thompson

It is very sad. I posted a little blurb on the website saying what I feel. Thompson is truly one of my favorite journalist. I am kinda happy he went out on his own terms though...
oh, i'm not.

just playing internet bad guy.

i think it's crazy that he did it. but i've always have a weird feeling when anyone kills themself. i'm sad about the lost, sure, but i have a hard time feeling sad for the person themself. does that make sense?

no one will ever fill that void, he will never be replicated.

you're being a player hater. thompson was an innovator, even if it wasn't in your necessary scope of belief, he still DID something which is more than me or most other people can say. plus he was funny.
just that i thought you'd find it interesting? i apologize for wasting your time.

jake, where did i say i hated you? i apologize for sending out the wrong signals.
minx and nixor - i'm not playa hatin' Thompson. i like his stuff... some of it i really like.

but when someone takes their own life i do feel a bit cheated. i know he might have lost a few screws as of late, but i still feel like taking your own life is a bad way out. i'll still love his writing, but i guess i'm a little sour about how he went out. just my feelings.