RIP Pierre Moerlen!!


New Metal Member
May 1, 2005
Norwood NJ
I know he wasn't Metal, But one of my favorite bands when I was a teen was Pierre Moerlen's Gong. An incredible drummer and percussionist.

Hey Ken, DO you think they will ever re-release this on CD??? One of my all time favorite live albums.
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I honestly don't know why this Gong disc has never been reissued, particularly since it was released on Virgin. If I recall there was also one other Pierre Moerlen's Gong title (one of the last ones) which has never seen the light of day on CD (I'm too lazy to look to see which one it is).

My Pierre Moerlen story...I went to see Mike Oldfield at My Father's Place in Rosyln, NY. It was Oldfield's first US gig. I knew Morris Pert was in the band but I didn't realize that Oldfield had two drummers/percussionists on tour with him. So Pert was doing his usual great job but I was scratching my head the whole night trying to figure out who that other drummer was that was kicking his ass all night long. It wasn't until Oldfield introduced the band members that I discovered it was Pierre Moerlen! I saw them play a few nights later at The Ritz in NYC and Moerlen blew my mind once again.

RIP Pierre - you will be missed.