RIP Queen mum.


Real World's Mad Girl

Im not a royalist of any shape or form.. but i still think its kind of sad.

Death sucks ass fullstop ( understatement) and whether we think the monarchy sucks or not, at the end of the day it is someones mum, family member etc. i guess at least she died of old age (102!!!!!!)

loads of people dying at the mo. what with dudley Moore dying - which REALLY was shit cuz he was such a funny and talented man, and he died of a horrid brain related ilness.

arghhh. not good not good.

ok ill go away now -
anyone share an opinion?

It was a sad thing to read, though some people really piss me off.

My mother mainly.

The report came on the news, and she just said 'why the fuck do we need to know this? its not important and im going to miss weakest link chef edition' and went in a mood. GOD i hate ignorance.

Myself, its a shame to see it happen.