rip rufus


Jul 30, 2002
Lost Angeles
many of you knew my doggie, rufus. she (yeah, her previous owner named all his dogs rufus ahhahaha) loved coming to rehearsal and hanging out with us girls, and once even starred as the devil's dog at our galaxy show. rufus was a sweetheart as long as you weren't delivering the mail, once weighed in at 66.6 at the vet, and loved to chomp my fins when snorkling at the lake. ah good times - i'll miss her!

Very sorry to hear of your loss Sara. Pets are so much more than just an animal that lives in the house. Sounds like Rufus was a blast.
I lost one of my cats after 9 years and my the other is going on 16. She is arthritic and struggles with her old age so I know the day will come.

Rufus was friendly to me anyways the couple of times that we met, and I find it suprising she had issues with the mailman from her laid back demeanor! As I remember she wasn't always the best guard dog (San Bernadino come to mind), but she did have lots of love and kisses for everyone. It's sad to hear that she's moved on, you have my sympathies!
It sucks that you lost your dog. I liked it when you posted and the Rufus's picture showed cause she reminded my of my Pitt Bull, Domminic. I had to leave him behind with my old roomies (he was really the girls' dog anyway, but I got attatched in my 3 years living there, lol ) when I joined the Navy. Alas, there's no dogs on a Navy ship! I hope you're next dogger is just as awesome as Rufus seemed to be.