RIP Ryan Dunn

Honestly thought that steve-o, bam, and knoxville were going to die before him.

Sucks he died though the second I found out the rest of the day turned into a bunch of "Are you Dunn with your drink?" "I am Dunn driving" jokes.

It was a guy who got famous by putting a toy in his ass and then killed another man by driving shitface drunk. Stop celebrating him as a hero please.
It was a guy who got famous by putting a toy in his ass and then killed another man by driving shitface drunk. Stop celebrating him as a hero please.

oh, cool it. plenty of people knew who ryan dunn was before and after that, for more shit than just jackass. like any other celebrity, he deserves to be looked at on more level gorund instead of putting him on a pedestal but that doesnt mean the poor guy wanted to die that night or kill anyone else.
I have absolutely no sympathy for drunk drivers. If he didn't want to kill anyone, maybe he shouldn't have fucking gotten behind the wheel.
Maybe he was in cruise control? Then technically the car was driving.
I wonder if the pathologist found part of the car in his ass...

I can't say I've ever been drunk to the point where I forgot that getting behind the wheel is an extremely fucking stupid idea, and I've been pretty damn drunk in my past.
No one should ever drink and drive, but I understand why people do it. It's one thing to have a few beers at a happy hour after work and it's another to drink a twelve pack in 2-3 hours and then go drive somewhere.