Rip this metal mix a new one.


New Metal Member
Feb 4, 2012
Hey guys.
Iv finaly signed up after lurking for years!

i am looking to improve my recording, mixing and songwriting and i wondered if u all could give me some constructive critasism.

I am looking to learn as much as i can so any advise is much welcome.

Most of all i hope u dig what i have so far as there are no solos or vocals yet but u can see where im headed.

Thanks again guys. :Smokedev:

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Sounds cool. Not too crazy about the snare sound but I can't give any specific reason as to why. Obviously as a song it'll be alot more interesting when the vocals are on it. All in all, cool sound.
My advice. Continue lurking because your not going to get much help here. Everyone is too self righteous to help anyone other than someone well known. You'll notice posts with 200 views and 5 replies. Makes no sense. A reply to help someone takes 60-90 seconds considering the name of this section is called RATE MY MIX. If you want REAL help from top engineers go here Otherwise make friends with me :D and add me on and I'll be more than happy to help you out.

Back to your song. First thing I notice is the guitar tone. It's very digital sounding. Not sure if that's what your going for or not but at times you can really hear the "Gainy" "gritty" buzz of the digital-ness. If that's what you want then it fits. I'm a tube man myself. :)

Drums sound mixed well. Levels sound right. I would bring the kick up about 2 db as it's buried in the mix. You want that kick in line with the guitars. They feed off one another so there has to be a perfect balance between them. You'll notice your guitar tone becomes much better once you find that balance. Cymbals are where they need to be. Snare could use some work but for the most part it fits. Maybe a little too "snappy" but that' preference. Bass tone could be brought up a little bit as well in the mix. And make it raunchy. The more raunchy the better. Add some grit to it to bring out the mids and high mids and sit back and watch your guitar tone destroy. Kicks and Bass tone is what makes a good guitar tone. You can have the most amazing guitar tone in the world but if you have shitty kicks and a shitty bass tone then it doesn't matter. You have to have all 3.

Hope this helps. But for the most part I dig the mix. It's not bad at all and a lot better than most "new" stuff thrown up here.
Thanks so much rob. Im greatfull 4 the time you have taken to help me out. I'll take ur advice and seriously look into what you say. Every days a school day. :D

And the digital sound wasn't what I wanted. But I'm strugling to get the right sound out of my messa tripple rec with the sm57. I think its mabe due to not gettin the volume out of the cab. My thd hotplate aint cutin it
Thanks so much rob. Im greatfull 4 the time you have taken to help me out. I'll take ur advice and seriously look into what you say. Every days a school day. :D

And the digital sound wasn't what I wanted. But I'm strugling to get the right sound out of my messa tripple rec with the sm57. I think its mabe due to not gettin the volume out of the cab. My thd hotplate aint cutin it

What I do is I run a DI box in my effects loop from which I use the -20db pad and i cut the volume from which I can then run the post gain up higher on the amp. I don't know if this actually helps, Im sure it gets the tubes hotter, but I don't get the speaker break up that comes with higher volumes. I don't know. I would try different mic positions first. You can get a very digital sound when the mic is more on the dust cap. I keep mine angled towards the crease where the cap and speaker meet and I keep it about an inch to 2 inches off the grill. Definitely try different mic positions before you do anything else cause it's free. :D