Rip this to pieces

Drums seem a little bit quiet (snare/kick)...the synth maybe down a tiny bit? It feels like maybe it's overpowering the guitars
I love the song, its flipping nuts!! how long did it take to finish composing that one?

I would say the synth near the end of the song where the solo is far to loud, and the snare doesn't do much for me, other then that I really enjoyed listening to it!
I agree with the drums. I'm going keep working on it, any tips specifically on what to do eq/compression wise with them? New ears are always good for this.

And @ Agentx

Thanks man! I finished this one in about 1 night a month ago. I'm going to keep working with this hopefully I can make it sound a little better.

If you're interested in listening to some more of the tunes I wrote for my band, you can check them out here man!