Ripper sounds like a poor man's Bruce Dickinson

Been listening to the Reckoning for the last week or so. Ripper sounds an awful like Brucie D., obviously with less range in the lower scale and more hoarseness. The vocals to "Valley Forge" reak of a Bruce Dickinson tribute. This certainly isn't a bad thing since I adore 'Maiden. I think it might take a little while to get used to it but I am encouraged by the EP even though it sounds a little rushed in terms of production quality.
Ahh! I still need to get it. My parents hate anything I listen to, so I can't buy anything with them around. And I need to get the cash to buy it also...Also, this confuses me...I've heard encouraging things about Reckoning, but I've also heard discouraging things about it.
Hypnos666 said:
Ahh! I still need to get it. My parents hate anything I listen to, so I can't buy anything with them around. And I need to get the cash to buy it also...Also, this confuses me...I've heard encouraging things about Reckoning, but I've also heard discouraging things about it.
You could always download the tracks in the meantime...or I could send them to you over IM
Hypnos start saving your cash and just get the limited ed. in January it will have everthing on there including all the EP stuff. Also it's good, don't get caught up by the Iced Earth hater's here. Those are the dudes who have been defending st. anger.
icedsymphony said:
Also it's good, don't get caught up by the Iced Earth hater's here. Those are the dudes who have been defending st. anger.

Gimme a break. Just cause they don't like The Reckoning (it's good IMO,but not up there with Dark Saga and Burnt Offerings) you portray them as people who like (defend,as you said) something that the majority of people here don't?

I'll try and get the 2cd version too...
icedsymphony said:
Hypnos start saving your cash and just get the limited ed. in January it will have everthing on there including all the EP stuff. Also it's good, don't get caught up by the Iced Earth hater's here. Those are the dudes who have been defending st. anger.


:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

That deserves a 6 pack.

Sure, if any of you are on AIM tonight and you wouldn't mind, I'd love to hear a few of the songs. I'd rather not spend my cash on something I'm unsure about (but if the single is good, then I'm definitely buying the deluxe version)
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