river call - corey curse


When the walls go down...
May 19, 2004
Hi everybody, I have a question for the true fans :)

Does anyone know why the guitar part at the end of "When river calls" (Dark Discovery album) is the same as the one in the beginning of "The corey curse" (S, D, T album) ?

I can't see any link between those 2 songs, but maybe it's because my english is not right and I don't understand all the lyrics (what's the meaning of "corey" ?)

Anyway, it's not a problem, this guitar part is excellent and those 2 songs are in my favorite playlist :)

I hope someone has the answer...
Well Corey is the name of the guy who is killed. It's based on a true story apparently which deals with the witch trials in the city of Salem. Mr. Corey lost his wife to the witch hunters and now they want him to admit that he has dealt with witch craft himself. Therefor they put a big piece of wood on top of him and then put stones around him until he suffocates.

As for the melody similarities I have to get back to you but I doubt that they are more than coincidences.
read the Crucible and you'll probalby get a better understanding about the witch craft trials and what evergrey is talkin about. I don't know if MR.Corey is in the story. But somebodey gets pressed to death in it.
Pressing, a little more specifically, is when a person is laid on the ground with a rock under his back and a large piece of wood is placed upon him. It was a means to draw out confessions: large stones are gradually added as the interrogator dictates, and the weight either suffocates the person, or the back is broken. This usually takes a day or two.

Corey, when asked, just told them to put on more rocks...
Ok, thank you for your answers. Now I can understand better the meaning of this song.