Great show last night even though it was freakin HOT in that place you guys must have been dieing. Had to leave early the youngest of the three boys I took was worn out.
Aja and Heather thank you so much for hanging out with us. The boys had a blast with you, this morning when their mom picked them up they reenacted the whole night to her, riding on the rides with Heather, playing miniature golf with the two of you (they described how good you guys are at it

), then seeing you perform.
Aja: You stole Dylan's (5yrs) heart, he just absolutely thinks your the greatest, especially when you pointed the mic at him during the Trooper.
Heather: Brandon's (9yrs) is just in ahhhh of you, I think he memorized your every move while you were playing.
Linda: Frankie (12yrs the worst age) just couldn't take his eyes off you, he was mad we left early he wanted to talk to you, I think he was going to try and throw his 12 year old moves on you.
Now I get to hear the boys fight about which of the Iron Maidens is the coolest.
Thanks again!!!
I'm off to the river, the Jello shooters are packed.