Riverside, CA show last night


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Aura on an Asylum Wall
Amaranth the Peddler
Don't Touch Dead Animals (part 2)

Great show, weird venue, questionable opening bands. 15 minutes from my place so I didn't have to drive home from god damn LA at 1am on a work night, hooray. The sound was a little muddy at times and Mia got buried a bit (vocals and violin), but other than that it was a superb show. I think there were 8 people in attendance plus a few opening band members. On one hand that sucks because a TON of people missed a great show, but on the other those that were actually there got a real intimate experience. The end of Aura was the highlight for me, that was really fucking intense. I must admit that I initially found Dowsing Anemone a bit of a disappointment (other than Gemini Becoming the Tripod) and it's been several months since I've spun it, but today's revisit was very good, so I guess I had to hear some of the material live in order to really "get" it. :)
Oh yeah and I just today listened to the split with Bloody Panda because I finally purchased it this morning from Robotic Empire (wanted to snag one at the show, but I didn't see any). lizard sent me a CD-R copy of it awhile back. :(

It's a small warehouse in an industrial part of town, the dude just opened shop recently. He has decent lighting and equipment, if he gets some better acoustics and more promotion it could turn out pretty sweet. Cattle Decapitation is playing there tomorrow night, along with I think 15 other local death metal bands. I might go check it out, it's close and cheap.
man I was gonna go see Cattle Decap here on Monday but shit was like $15! fuck that.

Good on ya though!

We were supposed to play Riverside a couple years ago but ended up getting moved to some other town. We were bummed cause we have a song about Riverside :(
Whoa, what's the song about? I mean specifically.

Still need to pick up some of your stuff...