RME Fireface 800 Problem..


Mar 26, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
I know this isn't a support forum, but I'm kind of desperate for help right now. I recently purchased my FireFace 800 interface and am having trouble hooking up my Presonus D8 to it via adat/lightpipe. They sync fine, and the D8 shows level but I'm not able to get a level in my DAW. I know it's not the D8 because I've used it before with my old interface, and it worked flawless. I've also tried different cables to make sure that was not the problem, and it's not. I'm pretty sure all my settings are set correctly too.. Clock mode is set to "Master", Preferred Sync Ref / Input Status is set to "ADAT 1" and says "Sync" next to it, Bandwidth Limit is set to "All Channels", Word Clock Out is set to "Single Speed", and my Sample Rate is set to "44100". To make matters even more odd, I'm getting a level in total mix and digicheck too :err:. Anyways, any help is greatly appreciated! I'm quite frustrated lol. Thanks!
Maybe a dumb question but are you selecting the same input in your DAW as you're seeing in Totalmix? Also what DAW? I recently got a FF800 and bitch has given me more shit than anything I've ever had. lol
I use Pro Tools 9, and Cubase 6. And yeah, I'm selecting the same input lol. I went with the RME FF800 because I heard it was a solid interface. So far, this is the only problem I've had. It might be me doing something wrong still, but I've yet to figure out if it's me or my interface is somehow defective.
Don't know about the D8, but I was using the Fireface 800 with the RME Octamic D and the ADAT preamp had to be the masterclock - not the Fireface.
Have you panned and "activated" (=set the right input output configuration and raised the fader to 0 dB in TotalMix) the ADAT channels yet?

As far as I remember, the ADAT channels start with Input 13 in the DAW. 1-10 is analog Ins, 11&12 are S/PDIF.
Thanks for all the help guys! Apparently, I had submix enabled.. Which confused me with setting all the inputs and outputs right. jipchen's tip of ADAT starting at 13 made total sense after. I guess I'm just not used to all the options that the FF800 has yet lol. ADAT works like a champ now! :kickass:
Thanks for all the help guys! Apparently, I had submix enabled.. Which confused me with setting all the inputs and outputs right. jipchen's tip of ADAT starting at 13 made total sense after. I guess I'm just not used to all the options that the FF800 has yet lol. ADAT works like a champ now! :kickass:
Hehe yeah I actually wrote a PDF file saying what Input on the Fireface (and my other Preamps etc) is what Input in the DAWs so I don't have to wonder everytime I record a track :lol:
You can also save the TotalMix settings / Submixes (those buttons from 1 to 20 or something on the right), and also store the settings (via flash) on the Fireface itself which is very handy.
Thanks for all the help guys! Apparently, I had submix enabled.. Which confused me with setting all the inputs and outputs right. jipchen's tip of ADAT starting at 13 made total sense after. I guess I'm just not used to all the options that the FF800 has yet lol. ADAT works like a champ now! :kickass:

If it's of any condolence, I always found the TotalMix to be completely counter-intuitive and nerve-breakingly frustrating :D