roadkill pics (cross post)


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
Toby and I saw this on our way up to Vermont for Thanksgiving--probably the most spectacular roadkill I've ever encountered. the pictures don't really do it justice. the road was bright red with blood for a dozen yards and the flesh was spread over that distance in lumps and piles. it was probably a deer, but there wasn't a single identifiable piece. it smelled kind of like a horse, though.



I slipped on a piece of the animal while I was getting out of the car examine it. we didn't arrive at the condo until about 3am and my parents scolded us for keeping them waiting while we photographed roadkill.
That's fargin' awesome dude. Talk about non-descript meat! Glad you decided to document this.

xfer said:
I slipped on a piece of the animal while I was getting out of the car

Did you fall on your tongue?

And I won't get into trouble for opening it at work 'cause there are no visible nipples!
Speaking of Semis wiping shit out, I saw a video today of a couple who stole a $1000 riding lawn mower and were trying to evade the police when a Semi just fucking destroyed them. I heard they died instantly. Perhaps you have seen this video. It was insane. Ohh, I'll make a link to it!! There is no blood or guts, so people with queasy stomachs need not worry.

BTW, that picture is disgusting and xfer you are disrespectful for descrating that poor, beautiful creature who was an innocent casualty of human studpidity. (notice how I didn't specify what kind of creature it is because I can't tell.)
I don't think the deer realizes that this big strip of hard stuff poses any danger to them. They figure it's just part of the environment. On the other hand, sensible people know that deer walk across roads frequently and they can recognize when it's going to happen. Also, sensible people know to try to avoid hitting large objects, at the very least (and insensetively) to avoid damaging their car, let alone trying not to kill something.

Did you watch the video? It's crazy!
xfer said:
Right. That would be "deer stupidity". Not that you can expect much more from them. :)

Yes, I've seen it! The best part is the single spoken line.

I added stuff :grin:.

Actually, I haven't watched it with the sound on for fear of hearing something nasty. I'm listening to it right now.