ROB HALFORD - "In My Mind, Ozzy's Been #1 Forever"


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
BW&BK recently spoke to JUDAS PRIEST frontman Rob Halford about a number of topics, including the upcoming Priest album Nostradamus, his new Metal God Entertainment company and his latest CD, Metal God Essentials Volume 1 (a Best Of compilation featuring tracks from his HALFORD solo days, his band project FIGHT and a few new tracks).

During a recent chat with OZZY OSBOURNE, BW&BK had asked what goals he'd like to achieve in life - he responded - "I'd like to get a #1 album. I've never had one." Black Rain entered the Billboard Top Albums Chart at #3.

When asked about what's missing in his career, The Metal God responded as follows: "Nothing. I think if you can still do what we're doing - we've been at this, flying the flag of metal for over three decades, much like Ozzy and SABBATH have done. We're good mates. We've all been through the same experiences. So just to be here three decades later is proof of the dream becoming real. I know what Ozzy's saying. It's like getting a VH1 Rock Honors ring - it means a lot to me. It's an affirmation, a recognition. It's a really nice gesture. The only way we can be put to #1 is by the people that support you. And when you do get to that position - from an industry aspect - from the perspective of 'you've got an Oscar, you've got a #1, you've got a platinum record.' It's significant, but in my mind, Ozzy's been #1 forever because of who he is and what he does. Because of the success of The Osbournes, I think there was a moment of deflection there for his talent. If you look at Ozzy from what he did in the early days with Sabbath, it was great, it was remarkable. He's got this personality, this very unique voice, very unique style. There's nobody else like him. I think that through the Osbourne TV series, that got overlooked.

"So I was waiting for this moment when he'd come back with a studio album. I'm sure he must feel really good about that. The last great record was No More Tears. The important thing is that he's made another record, he's made new music. He looks great, he sounds great, he's got a great band. It's an important moment for him as a metalhead to do those things. You can't live on your past glories to a certain extent. You live on what you are capable of doing now. You've really gotta keep doing it. And somebody like Ozzy and for somebody like Priest, we really don't need to make any more fucking metal do we? We've made a shitload. Why do we need to do it? Because we want to do it. Because we have to do it. Because we are still driven by the unknown - 'what else is there to do that we haven't done yet? What song haven't we made yet?' As long as that desire exists, I think that's fundamental in keeping you in the metal, keeping the metal alive. Once you shut that down, you start this internal retirement, whether you are aware of it or not. It's not healthy. That slowing down process starts to take over and you get lackadaisical and you don't make as much effort. If you keep pushing yourself, it's remarkable what you are capable of doing. And you are also driven by your fans. The fans have as much of a desire as you do to keep making a new metal experience."

When asked the question, 'If you are the Metal God, what is Ozzy?', Halford responded, "He's the Prince Of Fucking Darkness."

i still have a huge problem with the whole "ozzy and sabbath" line. why is dio never mentioned...he did better IMO...

Because that is just it.. a opinion.. and sorry but nothing matches the first few Sabbath albums in terms of being classics and for being innovators...
Because that is just it.. a opinion.. and sorry but nothing matches the first few Sabbath albums in terms of being classics and for being innovators...

True but the best Black Sabbath WILL ALWAYS be with Dio. :worship:

NP: Acid - 'Hell On Wheels'

When did Sharon begin to manage Priest?!

Dunno, but maybe he needs her bitching to reafirm his dislike for women (tasteless but irresistable).

NP: Acid - 'Hell On Wheels'
True but the best Black Sabbath WILL ALWAYS be with Dio.[/B]

Agreed. Especially after seeing H&H, nothing can really compare. Tony Martin was arguably the best singer Sabbath's ever had (technically speaking anyways - the guy had fantastic range and power in his voice) but the music they created with Dio is timeless and still stands up today. Not to mention Dio is a brilliant singer in his own right.
True but the best Black Sabbath WILL ALWAYS be with Dio.[/b]

Agreed. Especially after seeing H&H, nothing can really compare. Tony Martin was arguably the best singer Sabbath's ever had (technically speaking anyways - the guy had fantastic range and power in his voice) but the music they created with Dio is timeless and still stands up today. Not to mention Dio is a brilliant singer in his own right.

I would have to agree with that. I saw the H&H DVD for the first time yesterday evening and was blown away. After seeing them at Fields of Rock and Graspop I thought I knew what to expect. But seeing them perform in a concert hall does not compare to seeing them at a festival.

That DVD is just brilliant!
True but the best Black Sabbath WILL ALWAYS be with Dio.

Agreed. Especially after seeing H&H, nothing can really compare. Tony Martin was arguably the best singer Sabbath's ever had (technically speaking anyways - the guy had fantastic range and power in his voice) but the music they created with Dio is timeless and still stands up today. Not to mention Dio is a brilliant singer in his own right.

agree completely with both of you. was the point i was looking at
Did you guys even read the article?

Rob Halford said:
If you look at Ozzy from what he did in the early days with Sabbath, it was great, it was remarkable. He's got this personality, this very unique voice, very unique style. There's nobody else like him. I think that through the Osbourne TV series, that got overlooked.
Here's the beef. What Halford's giving recognition here is Ozzy's musical career and legacy, not the MTV stuff. And why not, he's not a metal legend for no reason. This has nothing to with Sharon and reality tv so why bring that into the discussion?
This has nothing to with Sharon and reality tv so why bring that into the discussion?

Because is ALWAYS fun to beat the crap out of Sharon :lol:, she still owes us metalheads for the egg incident with Iron Maiden for starters.

NP: Skew Siskin - ' War, Fire, Guns & Blood'
i have always seen ozzy's succes come directly from the other members of the band, mainly his guitarists.

tony iommi and rhandy rhoads are/were amazing guitar players and songwriters. i feel without that, ozzy wouldn't be such a big name. their ability to compose and come up with great riffs made ozzy i think. he just had a distinct voice that when put with such great players, stood out over everything.