Rob Lowe ---> Candlemass !!!!

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
from John Perez:

And now onto the jaw dropping news. Robert is joining Candlemass as their new lead singer. We’re not joking. We’re also letting everyone know that nothing has changed in Solitude Aeturnus and Robert will continue on with Solitude Aeturnus as well. Our live touring schedule is very minimal and we in the band see no conflict whatsoever with this situation. I personally support the decision 100%. It’s all about the music to all of us and this is a chance for Robert to be involved in making some more great music outside of Solitude Aeturnus. Why not, right? Leif Edling has been a friend of mine for many years and the decision has been made between both bands with utmost respect from the Candlemass camp. Robert is still 100% committed to continuing on with SA as we would normally have continued onward. He can’t escape it just like myself as it’s in is brain and blood. I know that the next Candlemass album will sound unbelievable to my ears as I’m both a fan of the band and Roberts vocals so speaking for myself, I’ll win out by getting free copy of the new album (on vinyl and cd please)! Ha! Seriously, this will be a great opportunity for Robert and we all wish him and Candlemass great success together. Don’t worry, Solitude Aeturnus will do another record and continue to play live as much as our personal schedules will allow. Look for more new on the Candlemass webpage with regard to their new album and live schedule for this year!

I thought the last Candlemass album was quite bad. I found myself confused by all the glowing reviews. To me, it sounded like a bunch of junk Lief had lying around for the past 15 years that he wanted to put down on record.
When I first read the title, I thought of the actor.--->
