Robert Downey Jr. is probably the greatest comeback of the century

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
He's the new Johnny Depp, in my opinion...extremely versatile actor and a genius. With this new film, I dare say he's the best in the industry.


Here! Have a Basil Rathbone (the definitive Sherlock!) signed contract
I've been looking forward to this movie for quite sometime. Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr.?! Awesome. And Rachel McAdams is fucking gorgeous, one of my favorites.
my friend is absolutely fucking OBSESSED with robert downey jr and she got me to watch a couple of the movies he's been in and they're pretty legit, i thought he was pretty hilarious in tropic thunder but i've seen other ones he's been in too, thats just the most recent.
If you want to see an excellent movie with him in it, watch Less Than Zero. It's an 80's flick, complete with all the cheesy fashion and music, but it's really powerful.

Plus it's got James Spader in it...every single thing he has ever done has always been absolutely flawless. All his roles fit him perfectly.

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i was a great fan of Conan Doyle wen kiddo, i'm eager to see this
wasn't Sherlock Holmes more of a mystery adventure though? this movie seems like it has too much hollywood action...i dunno i haven't read the books, i just never pictured them having many fight sequences :p

other than that it looks awesome and they casted it perfectly, i've liked Jude Law since enemy at the gates.
wasn't Sherlock Holmes more of a mystery adventure though? this movie seems like it has too much hollywood action...i dunno i haven't read the books, i just never pictured them having many fight sequences :p

other than that it looks awesome and they casted it perfectly, i've liked Jude Law since enemy at the gates.

It's not trying to be an accurate representation of the books, you might have worked that out when they cast Jude Law as Watson.
Yeah it was more centered around the gray matter, but even in the old Holmes series he was always a badass in his own way. He was very unassuming and an intellectual but occasionally he'd tear some shit up.

I don't think it's gonna be a big action flick because judging by the trailer, he's clearly not a menacing figure, as he seems to be constantly getting himself into trouble. I have a feeling that it's gonna be kind of a cross between a somewhat clumsy Jack Sparrow and Sherlock Holmes. But if you notice, the characters have evolved quite a bit; Jude Law's Watson is not the always-subservient and often-portrayed somewhat dim-witted sidekick. It seems like Watson has become somewhat of a badass and Holmes is the wisecracking genius behind it.

It's not for the purists, but that's probably a good thing. They don't wanna put the entire theater to sleep.
If you want to see an excellent movie with him in it, watch Less Than Zero. It's an 80's flick, complete with all the cheesy fashion and music, but it's really powerful.

Plus it's got James Spader in it...every single thing he has ever done has always been absolutely flawless. All his roles fit him perfectly.


Also the soundtrack is rockin'

The Danzig song is great and there's the song performed by Roy Orbison written by Danzig
I wonder if they're still going ahead with the OTHER Sherlock Holmes movie with Sacha Baron Cohen and Will Ferrell.
I wonder if they're still going ahead with the OTHER Sherlock Holmes movie with Sacha Baron Cohen and Will Ferrell.

WHAT?!?!?!?! WHAT IS THIS YOU SPEAK OF?!?!?!?! Holy balls, those two in the same film?

The end of the world is nigh. There will not be any more funny movies because the sheer amount of laughter from this single movie will make everyone gasp for their last breath of air as they laugh themselves to death.
It's going to be absurd.

I heard something about Judd Apatow being involved as producer but I don't see a credit for that on imdb, granted there's barely anything about this Sherlock Holmes on there anyway.