Robert Trujillo joins Metallica.


Coolest news you'll ever hear from those sad MTVrockers. Robert is easily the coolest member of that outfit. Also, it says a lot about him that he was chosen over the likes of Dave Ellefson and Joey Vera. I liked Robert Trujillo in S.T. and he and Brodin were easily the highlight of the Ozzy band.
Damnit, I wanted Joey Vera as he's an intense performer. Though he wouldn't be able to show much creativity under Lars and James. But then again, paying the bills would be a lot easier. When I saw them live they cut "Chemical Euphoria" from the set because playing bass was causing his fingers to bleed. I forget what the deal with that was, but that's METAL.
I just can't see Rob playing barefoot on stage with Metallica it's just not their image - now, if he puts a red baseball cap backwards... he'll fit in quite nicely.
Robert was kick ass in Suicidal the really had an up front base sound. In ozzy and I'm sure metallica his skills were wasted they only need an average bass player this is like having Les Claypool join a huge waste of talent.
yes he kicked serious ass in suicidal/infectious!!
i doubt very much he'll get to flex out fully his crazy slap style bass with met.
what a shame and a waste of a hugely talented funky bass player.
i wish he'd rejoin infectious/suicidal...
What sucks the most about this is that Bob Rock plays bass on the new album. Metallica won't release another album for 2-3 years after this one. They won't possibly allow Robert to do anything creative on the side that might over shadow Metallica.............

GOOD BYE ROBERT TRUJILLO, we won't hear anything new from him for fuckin years!

PS.... "Send Me Your Money" is good but, have you heard him on "Possessed to Skate" ?????? UnReal.......


I wanted Joey Vera to get the gig.......but this leaves the door open for some future material from THE SAINT!!!!
I would have loved to see Joey Vera get the gig but Robert kicks ass too. I doesn't matter anyway, Metallica needs a hell of a lot more then a new bass player to save them IMO.
no shit- bob cock plays BASS on the new record?!?!?! WTF!!
god the irony of it all: robert goes from being the coolest and one of the most talented bass players there is and gets very little recognition from anyone then he joins world's biggest (and lamest) rock band and has to play simplistic rock bass lines.
good on him he has hit paydirt for sure,i have never been a big metallica fan,only orig cds i have bought from them are master of puppets load and reload which was on my part quite silly cause i ended up swapping them for some oldschool metal a week later lol.

however there live show is brilliant and is the only thing that keeps them ahead of other bands.

it will be interesting to see if the new album is heavy like they say it is!!!
Originally posted by mrthrax

however there live show is brilliant and is the only thing that keeps them ahead of other bands.

Great someone mentioned that. Metallica shows truly kick ass and now they're gonna have kickass bass player. WASTED TALENT? WTF? He wasn't wasting his talent when he was playing straight notes with Ozzy and Jerry Cantrell? Metallica needs kind of similar bass playing. How many of you dares say Cliff wasn't talented? Think a little before writing bullshit, guys.
And I personally hope due to this Mike Inez will join Ozzy again (if the Madman doesn't retire, which is fairly possible)