Robot Chicken

Mar 20, 2004
Stroudsburg, PA
Has anyone caught a glimpse of the new show Robot Chicken that premiered last night on Adult Swim?

That shit was funny as hell, it's like, action figures doing awesome stuff.

I can't explain it, I turned it on by accident and it was on, with optimus prime getting colon cancer and all the autbots there and shit.. Funny stuff.
Haha yea. Did you see the most one sided fist fights? And the two people got out of the cars and one was a boxer with boxing gloves and the other was an old lady in a wheelchair. And he beat the crap out of her ol. And the guy stole candy from a baby, and beat the shit out of it as it cried..

Seth GReen man... Being on Family Guy made him hillarious.
yeah I caught that one too. hilarious. I'll probably end up buying the season on DVD when they get around to that. I never remember to watch adult swim usually.