Rock Band Network

Mar 24, 2005
I was reading about this in a game magazine earlier today, and what it's essentially doing is selling bands the software to make their own rock band tracks.

I personally saw that and instantly thought of Suspyre. It would be an incredible way for you guys to further expand your fanbase. Imagine a song like April In The Fall or City Under Sands on Rock Band. People would love it because of how hard they would be to play, and then they'd also realize how awesome your music is and buy your albums.

I think it's a pretty sweet idea of the developers to give smaller bands like you guys a chance to get more well known
Nice! I only play Rock Band whenever I'm in the States, but I would definitely make my gf get any Suspyre songs that are available :) Especially cos her ex-husband, who we play with a lot, is an expert on games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band, he'd love the challenge!