Rock City


Sep 9, 2002
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My day had been bad,i mean so shit that the day just and what made worse was all day i knew i was going to Saxon.Then on the way home the traffic was a fucking mare a 15 minute jorney took 1/2 hour.I got home quick bath,some food and out the door at 6:30. I got my RAC directions and set off 3.4 of an hour it shouldve took me nah 1 1/2 hours later i make to Rock City.
This is when i meet Pax and may i say he is a gent.I was on me own so meeting Pax was cool.
Then over the speakers came the sound of Motorheads Overkill."done to the front2Says Pax down to the front says i.
we started chanting Saxon,Saxon then they hit the stage with Motorcycle Man.I was 16 nothing about that day mattered.They played almost the perfect Saxon set.Yeah o.k they coulda played more new stuff but what song do you drop?
Highlights were To Hell And Back Again,Frozen Rainbow,Dogs Of War,Play It Loud oh fuck it the hole show.Pax fuckin apeshit when they played see the light shining this is th best Saxon song ever.
By the end of the gig i was knackered but happy(remind you of anything) any way me and Pax said goodbye and i look forward to meeting him in March on the next Saxon tour.
Oh yeah that Scotsman is as mad as...................

ps if wanna watch Saxon through a phone stand at the back you get on me fucking nerves.Oh and if you wanna kick off wait till after the gig then i can enjoy myself down front.
WILKS said:
My day had been bad,i mean so shit that the day just and what made worse was all day i knew i was going to Saxon.Then on the way home the traffic was a fucking mare a 15 minute jorney took 1/2 hour.I got home quick bath,some food and out the door at 6:30. I got my RAC directions and set off 3.4 of an hour it shouldve took me nah 1 1/2 hours later i make to Rock City.
This is when i meet Pax and may i say he is a gent.I was on me own so meeting Pax was cool.
Then over the speakers came the sound of Motorheads Overkill."done to the front2Says Pax down to the front says i.
we started chanting Saxon,Saxon then they hit the stage with Motorcycle Man.I was 16 nothing about that day mattered.They played almost the perfect Saxon set.Yeah o.k they coulda played more new stuff but what song do you drop?
Highlights were To Hell And Back Again,Frozen Rainbow,Dogs Of War,Play It Loud oh fuck it the hole show.Pax fuckin apeshit when they played see the light shining this is th best Saxon song ever.
By the end of the gig i was knackered but happy(remind you of anything) any way me and Pax said goodbye and i look forward to meeting him in March on the next Saxon tour.
Oh yeah that Scotsman is as mad as...................

ps if wanna watch Saxon through a phone stand at the back you get on me fucking nerves.Oh and if you wanna kick off wait till after the gig then i can enjoy myself down front.

Nice review of your day mate. At least you got there eventually! It was a pleasure meeting you Wilks, and we had a good ole mosh too! :rock:

I couldn't believe that Saxon played 'See The Light Shining', I have been waiting for this song for years! I was sure that they would play it in Berlin and was gutted when they didn't. And they didn't in Dudley either, so I really wasn't expecting it to be played at Rock City. But there it was! I mean, what is a man to do but go apeshit! :lol:

That mad Scotsman was Saxonmckenz from this very forum. I have met him at four gigs now, and he is sound. Actually, everyone I have met in person from the forum has been sound. :rock: What a great little Saxon family we are!
I shouldve wrote that review when sober.Imean my spelling and puncuation is shit at the best of timesbut that sucked.Oh well i guess you all got the general idea.SAXON ruled.
Next Pax you and me get pissed.And the rest of the Saxon massive but i think that goes without saying,.
WILKS said:
Next Pax you and me get pissed.And the rest of the Saxon massive but i think that goes without saying,.

Yeah it was a shame that you could only have one pint mate. Next time hopefully you won't be driving, and then you can get pissed. That always makes it a better night!

Me, Wilks and Saxonmckenz were saying that what would really be good is if we could organise for a load of us from the forum to go and see Saxon abroad together. Germany would be a good country to see them in. I don't know who would be up for it, but if you haven't seen Saxon abroad before, then you must! There is just something really great about it. It would be good if we could all go together, and all come back together. But seeing as we are all spread around the country, that probably wouldn't really be convenient. But I suppose we could all stay in the same hotel and meet up there, and have a weekend of beer and Saxon!
Nice meeting you again PAX & Wilks for the first time. What a great night & I was sober. Yes I must be mad.

Don't you think that on the new DVD that SAXON should have a little section for us hard core fans, to give us some recognition for all our travelling & support. Especially the ones that travel all over to see them. I was filmed in Berlin & the last London show a year ago. A sort of rouge's gallery of fans from all over the world. It would be brilliant if some of us from the site were on the new DVD.
WILKS said:
We could also do the Asoria gig next time round.We could all use the same digs.
Then we could have laugh when Pax falls in the bath.:Puke: :lol:

Luckily enough for me, the hotels at Dudley and Nottingham didn't have baths, just shower cubicles. So I was pretty safe for those two nights! :lol:

And yeah, an Astoria meet up would be good. :rock: