Let's get Rockin' again on here..............


Jan 9, 2003
West Sussex
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I've mentioned to a few bods I was thinking of coming back here. In one of the threads below Pax mentions the new forum is full of pratts:zombie:, mate you are right.

The St Georges thread (2010) was the final straw for me.

By reading some of the posts in that thread you would have thought.
  1. Saxon had booked a gig and then cancelled it
  2. Saxon had cancelled St Georges Day - which in itself is amazing as its the same day every year. (Next up they will cancel Xmas and it will be Saxons fault)
  3. Clearly the "new" people on there have no ability to think for themselves, I booked St Georges day off work. Whether Saxon play or not I will do something be it few cheeky beers with like minded souls or whatever.
  4. The only mistake Saxon have made and in fairness it's not Saxons mistake its Biff's- Is Biff has banged on about a St. George's Day gig is now a Saxon tradition !
Anyway rant over.

Just to let you know (some of you know already) plans are afoot for a Saxon St Georges get together, we have a venue in London. One "act" confirmed :lol:
things are moving on this at quite a pace so will keep you posted, it will be a brilliand day/night if it comes off.


PS. It's good to be home.
I already walked away from the other forum because basically it was crap. Too many wallies and too many empty promises (good name for a song!) for my liking. It never was the same after we left here, so yeah, it's good to be home!
I already walked away from the other forum because basically it was crap. Too many wallies and too many empty promises (good name for a song!) for my liking. It never was the same after we left here, so yeah, it's good to be home!

Now then Mr Pax! You didn't think you was getting rid of me that easy? :lol::lol:

Good to be back..............We sticking to it then? :headbang:
I'm on the official board as Fire In The Sky and havent been on here since 2006 but I quite agree with you all that the official board has 'gone down hill' so I thought it was about time to 'come home' so to speak