Rock Disipline

Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
i have heard good things about Petrucci's "Rock Disipline" and i plan on buying it.

I am wondering if any of you guys here have ever seen it and used it before, and if i am making the right choice.

i need to work on my technique and build a lot of things up. I have been workin alot and i am getting rusty on the guitar now.

what do you guys think?

i plan on getting some of Michael Angelo Batio's stuff too, cause that guy is insane.

get his Hands Without Shadows CD, its awesome! i also know why he named that CD "Hands Without Shadows", cause he is so fucking fast his own shadow can't keep up.
ive got it...its ok, but if you want to learn technique and a couple cool licks while youre at it i would suggest looking elsewhere. Its all basically really boring chromatic stuff...still not a bad vid though. Ive got a few of the rusty cooley vids from chops from hell and they are quite good, although the film quality is not as good as the petrucci. I dunno, i always thought the vids were good if you wanted to learn the style of other guys, and it was really up to myself to learn technique....just a thought...ugh now im ranting and you no longer care haha..
ive got it...its ok, but if you want to learn technique and a couple cool licks while youre at it i would suggest looking elsewhere. Its all basically really boring chromatic stuff...still not a bad vid though. Ive got a few of the rusty cooley vids from chops from hell and they are quite good, although the film quality is not as good as the petrucci. I dunno, i always thought the vids were good if you wanted to learn the style of other guys, and it was really up to myself to learn technique....just a thought...ugh now im ranting and you no longer care haha..

looking elsewere, anywere in-particular? i have been playing for 11 years now, but i really need to brush up and get my shit togoether. I'm getting sloppy. I've seen your video man, your playing is very tight. Any idea's or directions. I wasn't impressed with the metal method DVD, not with michael angelo. But i was saying the rock disipline cause i know a few bands out there that use it, and can shred, and putrucci is a good player. I believe dimebag has one too and a bunch of others.
Paul Gilberts videos are good and so are vinnie Moores(If you can find them)
you want something just to get you chops going get chop builder from Frank Gambale (it's like a work out tape for playing guitar. A little cheesey but it's got some great stuff on there)
''I don't mean that guitar n00b, I mean that guy who painted, like, Jesus on that ceiling, and stuff...'' *lol* Love it.
id suggest going to Chops from Hell Guitar Site and checking out the releases from rusty....say what you want about his note choices and yadda yada, but the guy is technically one of the best, and he really knows how to show you stuff. But in all honesty you just need to do basic picking drills that cover the techniques you want to employ. If youve been playing for 11 years i assume that you have a fair handle on music theory. Its all a matter of sitting down and playing excersises to a metrenome, and no video no matter how good will force you to do that. id save the money.
Since you've been playing as much as you have, I'd say Rock Discipline (it is just that - the discipline - and it will do a lot for finding things that you need to practice and how to practice... Wild Stringdom, the book of his lessons for Guitar World, is also useful) and then Rusty Cooley's Shred Guitar Manifesto (also good for finding things to practice, not because you're doing stuff wrong but because you're doing what you're doing too slow).

EDIT: What mpigott said about the metronome is right, but the videos will give stuff to practice when you're just pulling a blank and watching Petrucci do things his way can open your perspective a bit. That video is pretty much responsible for taking me from the ultimate guitar n00baz04u$-R3X and giving enough to work at to turn into a psychotic chop-monkey who can't even use the technique he's already gotten before finding some other neat little toy to play with.

Erm... in a good way.

i just ordered it. Also with the GW Wild Stringdom. It seems like it might be helpful, and Jbroll is right "it will do a lot for finding things that you need to practice and how to practice" That is what i need. I can learn all the songs i want and not know how to practice and how to do it right.

thx for the info guys.
Hey Bro,
I have John's "Rock Discipline" and it kicks ass... The video itself can get a bit boring at times but just follow the tab book with a metronome and you'll be right.
I have so many instructionals, it's not funny lol... All of them were given to me as a gift. Rusty Cooley's DVD's are nuts and I own all his releases except "Basic Training" which is quite recent. Rusty's Legato Workout is the best thing to have for all guitarist's... I practise it religiously and your playing will benefit immediately.
I also have a couple of Vinnie Moore's old video's, Most of Marty Friedman's eg. Melodic Control etc.... I also have an Al Di Meola tape, Richie Kotzen's "Hi Tech Rock Guitar", Some Greg Howe video's and a whole bunch of others which I've lost track of.
The bbest video's I can recommend are "Rock Dicipline" By Petrucci, Richie Kotzen's "Hi Tech Rock Guitar" and the best one being Rusty Cooley's "Shred Guitar Manifesto".
I practise these relentlessly and I'm getting some sick results, that's not saying I'm up to speed yet.
Star Licks is hard to find but most of the classic era instructional-videos are online to be ripped... I don't support it or download myself, unless your willing to spend a whole lot of money and time trying to find them, best thing is is to contact the company who put them out eg. Alfred, Hot Licks etc.
Since shred "died" in the mainstream in the 90's, all shred-videos were basically halted to a stop because not many people were buying them.
The best thing I could recommend is going to your local music college or a conservatoium where they would have books on theory and stuff... Your bound to find something.
BTW, Steve is starting his lessons in 07...What more could you want?
I just got RD and it's good. I don't think it's the best thing for a novice though. I popped the CD in and was laughing half the time because JP sounds so arrogant at times. He doesn't mean to, but I guess if you are a guitar god, it's impossible to be modest b/c you're so damn good anyway. He's playing SOOOOOOO fast and clean and just makes it seem like, "ok, your turn". Right.
In the video he's not at all arrogant, he's obviously nervous and just trying to get the right message across. I don't think there's anything to gain from understating your abilities, as developing them isn't going to be helped and that is the sole purpose of that video. You want to see arrogant, try Speed Kills or Al DiMeola's video (picking his nails and talking about how awesome he is and how alternate picking pWnz00rs sweeps and legato for about an hour).

RD is a good video IMHO, petrucci doesnt tries to impress or be arrogant, in fact is very educational.
The most useful thing for me on that video was the right hand / left hand exercises and coordination, the part where he talks about the inside of the string picking (that helped me a lot) and how to properly warm up. The last bit where he talks about scale fragments and stuff is ok but not as helpful. I say get it if you are looking for something to improve your technique and play cleaner and with definition and not just to get more speed.