Rock Hard Video

From the "freak" link on the webpage:

"I've been doing this along time... Jan 19th 1991 was our first show (it was freaking horrible)

Let me state this right now.... THIS IS A F@#$ING HOBBY!!! I don't get paid!!!

So to all the people who have something NEGATIVE to say, I say "F$%* OFF, If you don't like it, get off your sorry ass and do something better, or at the very least turn the TV off.

My crew and I do the show because we know there is other people out there that love the hard and heavy jams like we do. People that can't stand to be force fed the crap that the corporation deem as music. (Blink 182, N'sync please)

With that said; if you dig the jams, and are opened minded enough to know that there is MANY forms of metal that we try to play, Jump on the train, and let's steamroll on through.

Heavy Metal is probably the most evolving form of music alive today. The Bastard Son of a Thousand Blues. Heavy Metal has been taken from the grinding sounds of the 70's to Lipstick and Leather of the 80's to grunge and nu-metal. Thrash, Glam, Black, New Wave, Grindcore, Old School British, is all Rock n' Roll to me.

I may play something you don't like,(hell I might not like it) but rest assured there is someone watching that loves it, and they probably feel the same way about your favs. but if a new vid comes in I play it. people don't realize how infrequent the record labels want to put money ($100,000 for a cheap ass vid and up) into OUR type of music. DEATH and BLACK, forget about it, no budgets. very few and far between. and mainstream acts have to play the corporate game. Integrity is a shamefully disregarded by record labels. Anyone in a band knows how hard it is doing it alone.

And with YOU the fans of ROCK HARD VIDEO, I'm not alone.

So let's stick together, stay loose stay cool and STAY ROCK HARD, cuz it is the ONLY way to be.

this is coming from the guy who has raved about so many mallcore / poser bands saying they are great. he is full of it. If I had the time I would kill to do a show like that. I have plenty of resources and videos just not the time.

also...this is his is PUBLIC ACCESS TV...there is no guy in a suit have to play these videos this week. he has a choice.
A few things to note, in regards to stuff mentioned here....

The metal show on MTV where they had guest hosts like Bruce Dickinson, and then later the "regular" host Dee Snider, was called Heavy Metal Mania. I still have a couple of episodes of this on tape somewhere. I honestly think that show was far better than Headbangers Ball became. HBB would play far too much of the same mainstream hard rock videos that they played in regular rotation all day anyhow.

The comment about the "warehouse" video made me laugh out loud! We always joke about that. When we were coming home from filming the "Pale Haunt Departure" video, Paul was on the phone with a record label buddy we know, and the first thing the guy asked was, "So what warehouse did you use?" haha (For the record, we didn't, we used a closed down haunted house, which is almost as cliche!! But it worked nonetheless.) The reason so many bands use the warehouse setting is because a.) most of us have little to no budget so we have to go where it's cheap but big enough, and b.) the gritty grimy setting is considered "metal" or whatever, lol.

As for posting videos online, well it does help out because sites like Myspace and Youtube have gotten so popular that we do get some nice exposure from having our videos posted there. But Diabolik is correct, it really sucks to spend the time and money making a video just to get zero television airplay. There's so much bullshit politics involved in getting your video aired, I'd be typing all day just to explain it all here. We're still working on trying to break through that shit, but it's a struggle.

I've watched Mark's video show for years now. Sometimes some of the shit he says and does is funny, but I can see how some people would be turned off by his cartoonish metalhead demeanor. He's doing this show for fun and he's having his own idea of fun with it so it's hard to really say anything about it. To be fair I've seen him play some pretty cool videos over the years, and on the other hand I've watched week after week and seen some real crap as well. I guess that's just how it goes sometimes. One thing I'm not 100% clear's possible that he is only allowed to air videos that were given to him with permission from the record label/artist. Meaning, I dunno if he could just go and air a video that he was given a copy of by a third party or downloaded himself. There's so many weird laws regarding that stuff, concerning "rebroadcasting" of material, etc. So unless he's given the videos to play, he may be unable to air anything else.....

But, on the other hand, keeping in mind what Diabolik said about "seeking out bands to play", I agree with that, I think it wouldn't hurt for more of these local metal video shows to actually approach underground bands and ask them for videos to air on their shows. I know there are quite a few of these shows in existence in North America, and yet personally we've only been approached by a small handful of them to acquire a high-grade copy of our music videos to be aired. Maybe they all just think we suck, LOL, I mean that's always possible of course! But something tells me that's not the whole case, because we get alot of fan requests to see our videos aired, so I'm sure some of these shows have to get the requests as well. I just think alot of these hosts are too lazy or not enterprising enough to actually do more legwork. Maybe it's just alot easier to sit and wait for the next label sampler to come in the mail and play those Hatebreed and Lacuna Coil videos for the next few weeks ad nauseum?

At this rate it won't matter much longer anyhow......public access television isn't what it once was, and most of the inventive and unique programmers have moved their programs and ideas onto the internet. It's widely known that television execs have the opinion that "music videos don't sell ads" and that they would rather air crappy reality shows because advertisers will pay for the air time more surely. If our videos only ever get played on the internet I'll be happy with that, even if it would be cool to someday turn on the tv and see our fat asses thrashing around on there LOL At least The End Records got our comemrcials on air a few times lol...
back in the ole punk days these kids out of Washington or San Fran I think actually purchased weekly Paid Programing time on the E! Channel on saturday nights at 3:00 AM for a half hour and played all punk videos. Not mainstream punk but stuff that was very underground still. They also did little interviews and stuff too. It lasted like a few months and there was talk of them actually getting real airtime on some station but it dissovled.

I used to have a video fanzine where I interviewed bands and shot thier live shows and used to make a nice little 2 hour tape to sell. It was always two full hours with 6 bands, three songs each and an interview. I would sell them at shows for 7 bucks and in the mail like 10. I did 5 volumes and 1 DVD recently. I am in talks with some label now to do a big re-release of it on a nice double disc set with tons of me doing commentary and stuff.

I often think about doing a metal one but dealing with management groups and egos is a pain in the ass. In the punk days the bands did it all themselves so it was really easy. I still get tracked down by bands to get footage and stuff. The highlight of my whole run was turning on VH1 Behind the Music on Green Day and seeing about 6 minutes of my footage from 92 on there.

I think the hardest part about doing a video show is the work involved and the lack of people who would actually watch. Getting band interviews wouldnt be an issue with so many tours coming through the Chicago area and Mokena :puke:
It is possible to do a quality video show. It is the time that is the issue. I would love to do one. I have the skills and material, just the time is the killer.