Rock mix


Jan 10, 2005
Whuttup fellers...not metal, but it was a breath of fresh air for me to do a more rock type of band for a change. Check this track out and leave some comments n shiz.

I am quite pleased with how it's sounding right now. Bass is a little boxy I will say, but other than that I think it's solid and done. I have vocal tracks to pitch correct and then throw on top, as well as an acoustic guitar track on one of the songs.


Sounding good so far

I'd bring the snare up a bit, and if you can, get some more ambience/room sound in the snare to really make it crack and stand out. Also as you said the bass needs tidying up a little, I think its eating up a little bit too much of the mix.

Sounding nice so far though - what did you use for guitars?
Thanks Ed :)

It's a Fender Mustang with one of those SD JB minibucker dealies in the bridge. The guitarist was using a paper-thin pick though, so I am thinking about reamping and adding something like BitterSweet to enhance the transients of his playing. The attack is pretty weak IMO, and most of it is from his pick being so whimpy. It went straight into my Krank Rev Jr. -> Mesa OS 4x12 -> SM57. One track each side, then one up the middle as well, and down a few dB from the L/R mains.

The bass was an older Peavey that is retardedly resonant so I'm struggling a lot with it, using a multi-band comp on the lows but still haven't gotten it straightened out :(

It sounds like the bass has a lot of bass frequencies in it as is, so I wouldn't be afraid of using some funky looking settings if it means taming it a bit. The low end seems to be jumping out a little too much IMO.

Really liking this guitar sound, I wouldn't touch it at all really. I'd love to hear some more ambience on the drums though ;) and listening again, im sorry but I'm not digging that snare for this stuff - I don't know if you have them but some roomy Slate samples would be perfect here
It's pretty much 100% roomy Slate as is! :lol: I'll try some more verb on the snare, don't want to go overboard though.

You should see the settings I have in Sonalksis CQ-1...huge compression on the bass from like 60Hz-250Hz haha.

With the snare, it has that really long decay on it (maybe its the reverb?) which I think sounds a little weird. It could be that it just needs to be brought up in the mix......

I have been listening to Alice In Chains quite a bit today, and I think that kind of snare sound would be perfect for this!
the bass seems to be fighting the buss compressor at some points. Also the the snare doesn't fit IMO. I like the kick though. The guitars sound really good too. I would just tweak the snare and it's reverb, also mess with the bass.