Rock & ROLL! Woah


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
Just had an earthquake here! Who else felt it? Our pool water was tossed out of the pool pretty good and drove my dog nuts trying to figure out why it was moving all over. Hope that's it!
I guess it was centered in Baja! A friend from the Palm Springs area posted on another board and said it was pretty strong there. 6.9 and again, in Baja California.
Just had an earthquake here! Who else felt it? Our pool water was tossed out of the pool pretty good and drove my dog nuts trying to figure out why it was moving all over. Hope that's it!

Glad to hear you're alright, Linda! Imagine being even further south, down near San Diego, where I am. I've never felt a quake like that in 38 years living here. I was going to get outside, but the swaying got so strong, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to I just stood in a doorway. You could actually see the house moving with the ground, and stuff was falling off shelves everywhere. Thankfully...everyone's ok...and no damage!

Felt 3 aftershocks since...but those were teeny.
We care a lot about disasters, fires, floods, and killer bees.
About california falling in the sea!

We care a lot about starvation and the food that live aid bought.

We care a lot about disease baby rock, Hudson, rock.

Woah! Oh its a dirty job but someones gotta do it.

:D couldnt resist sorry guys, but Like tornado's I'd expect earthquakes to be great fun.
:D couldnt resist sorry guys, but Like tornado's I'd expect earthquakes to be great fun.

LOL...normally they are....but not this one. For a few seconds at the peak of the shaking, I was looking around to see if any part of the house was going to crack, or maybe a window.

The aftershocks have been fun, though! :)
I've never experienced anything like that.

Although I have seen a water spout a few years ago in little ol England.
If we get the ground shaking its the Royal Airforce going over, we have two operational bases near where I live and often see the Eurofighter Tyhphoons screaming out over the North Sea on training or intercept missions, the russians often fly into our airspace off the North East coast.
You are lucky in the not feeling the quakes! Personally, I LOVE the sound of a fighter jet roaring overhead! (but only in an air show scenario!!) Next best thing to a killer live drum sound! LOL!! Always wanted to work around jets and planes ~ it's a sonic thing!! ~ but drums have proven a more than worthwhile substitute!! :Saint:
You are lucky in the not feeling the quakes! Personally, I LOVE the sound of a fighter jet roaring overhead! (but only in an air show scenario!!) Next best thing to a killer live drum sound! LOL!! Always wanted to work around jets and planes ~ it's a sonic thing!! ~ but drums have proven a more than worthwhile substitute!! :Saint:

I did once. Engineering work at the local airport.
I was working airside and often had to drive down the taxi way with a jet chasing me lmao!

Oh and once I had to quickly disassemble some equipment so an RAF fighter could taxi past. I just love the smell of avgas on a morning :rock:
You are lucky in the not feeling the quakes! Personally, I LOVE the sound of a fighter jet roaring overhead! (but only in an air show scenario!!) Next best thing to a killer live drum sound! LOL!! Always wanted to work around jets and planes ~ it's a sonic thing!! ~ but drums have proven a more than worthwhile substitute!! :Saint:

When I was an electrician, I worked for a year at the Miramar Naval Air Station here in San Diego County (It's now a Marine Station). Anyway....they have an air show every year, and the Blue Angels always had a show, since they were stationed there. On Friday they always did a full "dress rehearsal" show and let a bunch of needy kids and folks out to see it for free. So...well, we didn't get much work done those

Anyway....I was stuck in the usual traffic on the way home, on the freeway that ran DIRECTLY next to the air station. When those jets are going close to or over the speed of sound, you do NOT hear them coming as they do a low fly over. I'm sitting there bored out of my skull, when the most thunderous and massively loud and shaking noise literally HIT may tuna boat of a car...and shook it violently. At that very moment, I very nearly wet my self, actually let out a brief yelp, and my heart went racing a million miles an hour. I was convinced in that half of a moment that I was a dead man. all actuality, one of those Blue Angels jet flew over my car REAAAALLLLY LOW, and unbelievably FAST....with ZERO warning or sound until it was literally right on top of me!

It's funny now...and actually pretty damn cool...but I've never been more scared in any single moment in my entire life, before or after that moment!