Perfect mood, Perfect moment for a song


Aug 8, 2001
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Earlier I had to go outside and clean my pool while I was listening to Opeth - Karma, from MAYH, and it was about 2 minutes and 50 seconds into the song while the acoustic was playing, I was watching the water in the pool softly sway like grain in the wind, and I felt the cool wind blowing on me. I felt some droplets of rain but that sorta went with the feel, I felt like I was moving very melodically. Then at about 4:40 seconds into the song the electric starts with that really awesome riff, at the same time I had happend to look up and see pitch black clouds approching from the horizon, throwing bolts of lightning to the ground. It was like the music was the soundtrack to that particular time.

Anyone else have moments like this they care to share? :err:
I don't remember the timing so much, or even which song.. But a lot of times when i'm walking my dog around the block at night listening to music, I look up at the stars and the moon, and the music seems to fit so perfectly with the night.

Also I was listening to Blind Guardian after I had a good day, and it was one of the first days of the season where it was actually a bit chilly (For Florida) I had opened my window so I could feel the cool breeze, and in the beginning of Imaginations from the Other Side, it just hit me so emotionally and I laughed it was so great, I love music :spin: .
Hmm well what I do sometimes is that I go sit outside the house and I listen to Epilogue over and over again while looking at the stars and the moon and such. Now thats a simple yet incredible moment.
After playing hockey on a Wednesday night, I was driving home a little after midnight on the highway. From the hockey arena, I get onto a 3-lane highway. I go around 6 miles until I merge onto Interstate 95. This road is darker, smoother and faster. Then, I get of an exit into rural USA, go ten miles, passing by a railroad station, a small town, and a lake, before the final 5 mile stretch to my house. It used to be a road through the woods, with trees that created a tunnel effect. Now there are houses, but I still remember the "old" road. I cross one last rural intersection, then get to my house (which has 6 acres of woods behind me). This entire ride takes around 25 minutes.

This particular night, I had 2-hits of a joint with "the gang" hanging in the parking lot after we played hockey- then I headed home. Got into my 1993 Town Car, began with The Funeral Portrait, Bleak, then ended with Blackwater Park (with a decent stereo system).

I zoned the entire ride: I was noticing how the highway goes from a "city" feel to that more open middle of nowhere going really fast feel, to the rural backroads feel. I started the Opeth 3-pack right when I left the parking lot, and Blackwater Park ended right when I pulled into my driveway. When I stepped out of the car - I looked up at the stars, which of course this night I had an unusually clear view of the milky way, and just shook my head at how incredible this nights ride home was.

That's my most recent Opeth moment.
Earlier this year I was driving my girlfriend to her place. The moon was shining and the sky was quite clear... When I started driving
back to home I put Swanö's Moontower in the CD-player. The
road was real narrow and surrounded by woods. Suddenly it
became darker the clouds were gathering and blocking the moon.
At the same time Swanö growls:"Something is wrong with the sky tonight..." :eek:
Shivers. Great feeling, somewhat paranoid...
I can remember driving once and the road went up to a peak and then coasted down. (on the highway) I remember as I went over the peak, the music went wonderfully with it. Slow and then as I went over, it picked up...pretty cool.

I can recall other times that have made me stop and think, "Wow. That was so awesome." and I'll be in my own world because no one around me knows/feels what I'm feeling from this music. It's pretty much an individual moment for me. I know that others, like yourselves, experience the same things though. I guess you've got to be really into the music and almost want to feel something.

But then again, there are those times, like Juggie (haha, is that from The Man's Show?!) said, when it's just uncanny! Everything moves and almost sways with the music. It's crazy!

i recall listening to the joshua tree, and more specifically where the streets have no name by u2 whilst driving through countryside and saw mill towns in northern nsw. that was a pretty special moment.

i also remember listening to the album let it bleed by the rolling stones whilst driving on winding roads in tuscany. that cd seemed to complement the setting perfectly.
