rock show is back

Are you talking about VH1 europe or the US version. I get the European one where I stay and it's been still on for quite a while ever since the dj of the show said it would finish. The dj just meant to say that he was the one that would finish and that the videos would still be there. It's not necessarily a bad thing that the dj has gone because there's more time for the videos now. But I do miss some of the interviews the dj did.
Scott left the show when Anthrax did the Priest tour earlier this year. Then they started that lame ass Forever Wild, which would have been okay except that half an hour of it was Sebastian Bach walking around and talking like a stupid bitch. That's gone now too. I wish Scott would come back to it, or they can leave it with no host, anything but Sebastian or that dorky blond guy that did Rock Show before Scott did.