O/T: VH1 Replied to an Email I Sent in Feb.


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
Visit site
Thanks for writing to VH1. I'm happy to tell you that Rock Show is back on our schedule - Fridays at Midnight. We hope you'll tune in. Thanks for watching VH1.

-----Original Message-----
From: Orr [mailto:thjorr@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 6:34 PM
To: rockshow@vh1.com

Please bring back the Rock Show with Scott Ian. He's not on tour anymore, and that Forever Wild shit has just got to go. It's the worst hour on TV. I'd rather watch MTV and I never thought I'd ever have to say that again. Please, Scott played better videos, and he actually KNOWS what he's talking about. And he doesn't run around the city trying to convince everyone he's "metal" and he doesn't say "mother trucker" every other word. Thank you.


She left out the part about no host.
I got an e-mail like that too.
I immediately sent another e-mail to rockshow@vh1.com saying that they need to get Scott Ian back on as the host. I said the Rock Show is boring without Scott Ian.
I suggest yous guys e-mail the Rock Show too.:)
That's so wrong Brat I got the exact same e-mail from the duydes at VH1. They don't give a shit about replying properly but at least it's better than nothing! I also asked if they could put Scott back in as the host but they gave me the same reply you got. Damn, they will suffer for this!!