O/T: VH1's "Badass" List


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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Has anyone seen this crap? It's hosted by the blond dork that used to do Rock Show. Now, while I agree with some of the people on the list, I don't agree with the order. For instance, how did Sebastian Bach weasel into the top 10, ahead of Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Jimi Hendrix, who were 20, 19 and 18?? Cause he works for them?? Well, if Scott Ian is on the list at all, it's before the top 20, so there goes that logic. Who writes this shit? And does Paul Gargano work for VH1 now?? He's on every fucking show they have. Is he considered an expert because he has stupid hair? I don't think he contributes anything to whatever he's talking about. VH1 is coming very, very close to sucking as much as MTV does.
Isn't that an old one?
Or maybe it's just similar to what I saw, I didn't get that list either.
And um, I think VH1 pretty much such as much as MTV, haven't seen anything intelligent from them to prove otherwise :mad:
I doubt it's NEW because nothing on VH1 is new, but it's the first time I was subjected to it. Damn kids and their obsession with changing channels... :mad: The Pantera part was pretty cool, but I have a feeling I'm going to hurl when they get to number one...
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
I doubt it's NEW because nothing on VH1 is new, but it's the first time I was subjected to it. Damn kids and their obsession with changing channels... :mad: The Pantera part was pretty cool, but I have a feeling I'm going to hurl when they get to number one...

I think you will too, if I remember correctly who the 'winner' was :Puke:

My god, this fucking village is dead again, gotta check the bar in about an hour and hope someone is there.
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
Oops, I was in the shower for the last 20 minutes of it, guess I'll never know. Probably better this way...

Damn, oh well, now I won't know either, no big loss tho :p
I'm off to the bar now :rock: