
Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa

So yeah, this is the Hurricane Irene thread. People East keep us informed of the storm's progress and what not.

I'm not experiencing the storm right now, because I'm stuck in Buffalo currently till Monday morning when travel to Boston should be all clear. I called my mother who lives in Boston and there are already tree branches down and it's a matter of time before power goes out. My father is at home on the midcoast of Maine bracing for what's coming that way.

There's a chance that the first day of classes at UMaine will be cancelled since they forecast 45 mph winds, gusting to 60, and sustained heavy rain. I may be lucky then, since I wouldn't miss my first day of teaching there.
It's shit like this that I am reminded why I love living in the Mid-West.

I've never seen one of those, and their paths of destruction are tame compared to that of a hurricane, barring a few extreme circumstances.

But I suppose you got me there.
Ironically we lost power briefly and are still without internet. Bad thunderstorms in the west. As far as Irene goes, I know my folks are still without power and the roof blew off a barn, trees down etc.
The storm basically just moving out of my local (So. N.H.) att. Irene diminished and was much less than I expected. Brought typical wind and rain...but my area is just fine. Some areas have downed trees, power outages and flooding happening and expected in coming days in N.E. The nor'easters we get here in the winter of course make Irene look like a cupcake tbh. I think the east coast, though hit hard in low lying areas, was overall spared tbh. A couple of days ago this storm was looking to be possibly a cat 4 when it hit N.C. I think it weakened to a cat 1 or 2 by the time it hit N.C. The ironic thing is that early on as Irene passed the Fla coast, it pulled dry air in from Fla of all places. And this fortunately weakened Irene's lower half as it passed.

Hope all is safe out there for everybody.
Where I live, everyone goes nuts...they buy shit tons of water in case there's no power or whatever lol....People it gets downgraded to a tropical storm by the time it gets here. Last storm we we're supposed to have...they said we're gonna get a ton of rain and crazy winds...We got nothing...all we got was clouds. And that was the end of it.

Irene was just a tropical storm when she hit here, but there is a ton of flooding and my buddy is almost certainly going to be homeless after he comes back from vacation...his place is directly on the river. We lost power for about 8 hours which is not bad at all.