
I'm going to Rocklahoma.There are some decent bands playing but it's mostly some of the worst bands from the 80's Trixter??Danger Danger??:puke:I'd rather go to the Wacken or the Bang Your Head fest with all the Heavy True Metal bands.
My cohorts from my TV show are covering it and are dragging me a long.As usual the main reason you'd ever see me at a glam show is for the chicks which hopefully the place will be crawling with!I don't mind going to a show like this now & then but 5 days of these kinds of bands might rot my brain!
It's a feel good memory type of band lineup. Some I do not care for but many are a true blast from the past! Enjoy Danny! If not the bands, then as you said, the scenery. I've never been to a Wacken. That would be KILLER!!!!!!!!