Rode NT1A as overheads


Brian K
Oct 3, 2006
Columbus, OH
Hey guys,

I've got a Rode NT1A that I picked up mostly for doing acoustic guitar. I'm looking into overhead mics and is it worth buying another NT1A to have a stereo pair or should I be looking at other mics? I don't have a huge budget so I'd like to spend as little as possible. I just wonder if I will be happy with these mics as overheads or if I should just save my money and buy something else.

I will be sample replacing the drums so I am just looking to capture the cymbals.
im currently using NT1as as overheads for smaller projects when not in a bigger studio, they sound fantastic coupled with a tube mic pre and nice room!, very clear sound, not really too much of the NT1a characteristic of that exaggerated top end they have.

i still tend to prefer smaller diaphragm mics for individual cymbal groups as the larger capsule sound can be a bit too much an overwhelming
I've been using rode nt1a matched pair for overheads for some time now. I'm pretty satisfied. my recording room is not that nice so i do a lot of EQing. but the end result is usually crisp cymbal sound with just about enough snare/tom room sound. as it was discussed here before they tend to give more of a overall drum sound compared to SDC which give more cymbals.
but if you are on the budget (such as I am) you'll be fine.