Roger Waters

no no i'm serious [for once :lol:], i heard his mum is taking care of him now as he's blind. that's really what i heard about him.
Originally posted by pagan2002
i heard he was partially (or totally) blind these days too. fuckinhell, some guys have all the luck ey?

yeah, poor bastard. Theres our Syd totally off his head and cant see while Gilmour stuffs his fat face and looks down upon everyone even though Waters set up his career. Deep down, he must know that he's just a smarmy lucky cunt. And thats nothing to be proud of. It's just a pity that so many people dont think:confused:
Originally posted by Terry Armageddon

You name me a 'classic' Floyd track that has been written since Waters left:confused:

There's no one like that, but there wasn't the time for making one into a classic...

Iron Maiden with Blaze Bayley wasn't that strong. And look now: Bruce Dickinson returned and they have 2 new classics: The Clansman and The Sign of the Cross, both of the Bayley-era. :o

If Waters would be into Pink Floyd again, perhaps he can lift the Gilmour-songs to a higher level so they're better performed... I don't know, it could be... :confused:
Nah, hes doing fine on his own. Amused To Death is a top album. Gilmour has had enough help with his ideas and doesnt deserve to use that name but such is life. It happens everywhere:(
I like Gilmour as a vocalist and guitarist, personally. Waters, to me, IS Pink Floyd though. "A Momentary Lapse Of Reason" was a pretty bad album, but Gilmour did write some good songs... I'd say "On The Turning Away" and "High Hopes" particularly. But, yeah, it won't really be Floyd unless Waters returned somehow.
Originally posted by Don Corleone

mariner - wouldnt you add "como estais amigos" to that bayley area classics list?

Do you mean the "Rock in Rio"? You should listen to the original Clansman and the Rio-Clansman. Bruce is just the best. He turns a good song into a worldsong!
But I think "Como estais amigos" is also a song. But can't remember when or how. Is this a classic? :confused: Nah!

But this is all about Roger Waters... I ask my question again, as I don't get an answer yet... Why has he left Pink Floyd?
And I will check Amused to death, because you are all in heaven about it.
Originally posted by Terry Armageddon

Theres no doubt that Gilmours talented but so is me mate Ste. Without Waters there would be no Dark Side Of The Moon, Wish You Were Here, Animals, The Wall and The Final Cut. Gilmour only kept the name Pink Floyd because it is a PLC and Waters was outvoted. You name me a 'classic' Floyd track that has been written since Waters left:confused:
And yeah, Gilmour has to use loads of producers and session musicians to help him write stuff and its still not that good. but youre probably not bothered who writes the songs when theres a big light show to look at eh?:lol:
Regarding Floyd's extravagant light show........You didn't say that........tell me you did NOT just say that!!! :o
I do agree with you that it's not the same Pink Floyd whatsoever without Waters and it is definitely debatable as to whether they should have even kept the name going on without Roger in the band. I guess though I am in the minority of Floyd fans as far as the merits of Momentary Lapse and The Division Bell. I think that while neither album is true Floyd, both have their moments. I would even go as far as to say I think "Sorrow" and "Yet Another Movie" are among my classic Floyd tracks. I think Roger's solo stuff is better and alot more creative than the 2 Floyd studio albums without him though. But I do still like them. And I would go see Floyd in concert if they didn't charge an arm and a damn leg for a ticket. I'd love to see Waters live too. Hopefully some day!!
yet another movie is pretty good but i'm not too keen on sorrow.
i think gilmour has a poor vision for pink floyd, with many hired hands and session musicians playing flawlessly but unfeelingly. roger has a real band feeling with his new tour, they make mistakes and so on. dunc said recently that there are no mistakes at a floyd gig and thats wrong. its unfeeling. roger apparently has good moves too.
Originally posted by Terry Armageddon

Theres no doubt that Gilmours talented but so is me mate Ste. Without Waters there would be no Dark Side Of The Moon, Wish You Were Here, Animals, The Wall and The Final Cut. Gilmour only kept the name Pink Floyd because it is a PLC and Waters was outvoted. You name me a 'classic' Floyd track that has been written since Waters left:confused:
And yeah, Gilmour has to use loads of producers and session musicians to help him write stuff and its still not that good. but youre probably not bothered who writes the songs when theres a big light show to look at eh?:lol:

@Terry Armageddon: I feel I owe you a response.. I never said I'm an expert in Floyd's music but I know enough to understand that the band after The Wall never reached its previous highs.. Perhaps Gilmour is responsible for that more than anyone else.. It is just that his figure as the guitarist in so many Floyd albums makes it hard to insult him in anyway..Anyway maybe there are many Gilmours, a different one, in each of the Floyd albums, that is until Waters had to go.. Whom I have to say I'm sorry I said I never liked him.. That is a lie.. It's just that I was a little pissed off with what you said about Gilmour and I over-reacted..Sorry..


Anyway I think that the guy that did not get what he deserved is only Barrett (whom Waters never liked)..

..Oh and I think that you under-estimating a little the significance of you mate Ste.. Even if you were talking about Gary Moore (who is not really my favourite guitar player), I'd still say the same thing..Guess I just like being Devil's advocate..;)
Gilmour did an album in 1984 after the breakup fo Pink Floyd called 'About Face' which sees him on the front cover with a leather jacket and what might be eyeliner. He obviously did this album not through artistic sensibility, but because the dollars had ran out.

BUT - This didnt quite bring the dollars in, and the guy (lets face it) since maturity has earned his crust playing music. So whats he going to do? Get a normal job? No, he needs to earn his money the safe way he always did, but releasing albums under his own name attracts only a fraction of the sales that something released under the name 'Pink Floyd' does.

So it begins. Seeing as the band was a ltd company in the first place, that means that the remaining majority actually have the right to use the 'magic name' as Terry puts it. This magic name can sell your records really well when its put on the front of your album.

But ahhhhh. He cant write good songs by himself. So, once in posession of the magic name, OTHER writers are brought in to do it for him. Its ok, weve got the magic name! So what youre actually listening to is -

Pink Floyd compositions ?? NOOOO, Its Gilmores solo stuff fleshed out by the producer and all of his mates.

Pink Floyds performance?? GET REAL !! Have you seen the amount of names on that credit list? Fuck me! Id be surprised if Mason / Wright s performance was actually at an audible level in the mix.
hello ANEBO
lets get one thing straight. i have heard from someone who knows Roger Waters very well that he still loves Syd and still grieves for what has happened to him. now unless you know roger better than this guy does then i'd say you were wrong there. read Mick's post and learn something.