Roleplaying forum looking for GameMasters


Though I do realise this might not exactly be the appropriate place to post an " advertisement" like this on here, the sweet ex-girlfriend Panthera(by whose name I am now posting) has advised me to post here about this.

I am the webmaster of a well-running D&D game, on my website,

The site was intended to host multiple parties, and not just D&D, most of the roleplaying games may be hosted there, and I hope to soon see the site be used to full potential. But, there are hardly any (experienced) Gamemasters for rpg's. Members are not the biggest problem, but Gamemasters are just hard to find. Basically, the site is looking for:
-GM's (Vampire, Werewolf, D&D, Shadowrun or whatever)
- Lurkers (People who watch and just follow the story without participating).
- Members for the upcoming parties. Mind that the currently running D&D party is considered FULL. Applications will not be taken for this ;) But, we might find a good GM here, so be sure to check out the site if you want to play.
- Artists - Are you a good drawer? Or perhaps a good columnist? We could use your skills :) The things you get are free webspace, 10 MB, on which you may store whatever you like, and ofcourse, the thanks of our whole party. Since most artists have different demands to how they do their "work" (it IS a pastime, after all), everything is negotiable.

THe whole site is based upon being friendly to all other players, and it's a pretty small "community" . Any GM's who apply get all freedom to run their parties as they see fit on the site, and they will receive my(admin) help in everything they need, so check out the site. To remind you ;)

My email:

Well, that's about it. I really hope to see some good GM's.

Steven de Jong
-Admin of Vampiric Senses-
-Ex b/f of Panthera ;) -