rolling off snare frequencies

why do you post this here? post it in musicians discussion or andy sneap's forum

that said, why do you want to eliminate snare in the overheads? if you think you need to do that you're probably doing something else wrong. try placing the overhead mics somewhere else if you need to reduce snare in overheads, but generally (at least if you want a reasonably acoustic sound and aren't planning to trigger everything) i like getting a lot of snare in the overheads and using the actual snare mic only as reinforcement and tone shaping. lots of the snare sound will come from the overheads, there's nothing wrong with that

"eliminating" snare sounds from overheads is NOT going to happen whatever you do because snares are all over the place freq-wise, they have a lot of information all over the mids and far up into the high frequencies where cutting will damage your cymbal sound severely.
Erik, you seem like the person to ask, so where would one be able to get a good introduction to basic recording techniques/audio mixing/effects without taking classes? I'm looking to do some home recording using a basic program (Cakewalk), and the help guide doesn't tell you shit.
the drummer i tracked didnt have as many hours as he needed and was satisfied with not so hot performances to the click, so i am triggering the actual drums but using the tracked cymbals and cutting them up and using sampels , so the snare that bled through on the overheads is off time at some parts, plus since im triggering the snare, the ping coming out of the overheads is radically different than the snare i used so it sounds pretty bad. im not looking to rid the tracks of ALL snare sounds i just want to bring it down....i was in this forum and i was in a rush to class so i posted it here...whateva
well, you'll just have to experiment with a sweepable filter and try to cut as much as you can of the snare in the mids. rule of thumb: if the performance is poor, the end result is going to sound poor. sorry. you can try and minimize the damage but you'll probably never get it perfect